Vida en Mexico

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Catching My Breath

Our 14-week marathon came to an end just over a week ago as our students took off for the respective homes.  On one hand they were sad to leave CEC behind but on the other excited to take back with them all that they have learned and experienced during these intense 14 weeks together.  The other day I had the opportunity to accompany one of our students, Juan David, to his home up in the outskirts of the mountains east of us in Sonora, about a 6 hour journey from San Carlos.  He had gone through CEC several years ago and decided to come back not only to refresh what he had learned but to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible.  He comes from an indigenous group, the Guarijio - you might recall a student from last year who also come from this area, Jesús (you can read about him here.)  Spanish not being their first language, not to mention significant cultural differences, made for a steep learning curve the first time through CEC.  Yet in spite of those obstacles, both Juan David and Jesús left CEC energized and excited to share what they had learned with their families and communities, many of whom have not heard the Gospel presented clearly.  Upon returning from his first time through CEC (in 2019), Juan David would spend hours, even days, walking to neighbouring villages, praying as he went, in order to share the Gospel.  Though the first villages can be arrived at by vehicle, from there it is anywhere from a three hour to an entire day's journey to reach neighbouring Guarijio villages.

This year, the transformation that we saw take place in Juan through his first time at CEC picked up where it left off.  At first being quite reserved, we began to see a whole new Juan David this time around.  Finding his place as part of the CEC family, his smile, laughter and joking demeanour came to the surface more and more.  As he would share about what he was learning in the classes and as he prayed and studied the Bible, it became more and more evident that his demeanour was anchored in something deep - in the joy that he has found in knowing God more and more, as well as his appreciation for studying the God's Word.  Repeatedly Juan would talk about "God's Word" (a phrase that often came from his lips) as he shared something that he had discovered through study.  What shone through too, though, was his simple and sincere faith in God seen in his powerful and simple prayers, as well the burden that he had to share the Gospel with others in his home villages.  What struck us particularly as we took him home yesterday was that, along his joy in seeing his family again, he had a new sense of confidence in heading back - not a confidence in his abilities but rather in the greater understanding he had of the Bible and how to share it with others.

Though we only had a couple of hours that we could spend with him at his home as we dropped him off had the added treat of seeing Jesús as well who had travelled from his village to meet us.  It was a treat to see him especially since it is relatively difficult to stay on contact, there being very limited cell service in the area where they live.  We are praying that Jesús would come back next year, this time with his family (wife and two teenage/adult children), so that he too could, along with his family, deepen his understanding of the Bible to be even more effective witnesses to their community.

Juan David and Jesús have been a tremendous answer to prayer and fit into something greater that God has been bringing together far beyond CEC.  Local ministries (Casa de Esperanza, where I spent my first five years in Mexico) and churches have been investing time and energy into this area, organizing missions trips to share the Gospel in this area.  While there are churches established, there is still a great need to bring the Gospel message to villages where there is little or no church presence.  The existing churches too have great needs too to be encouraged and strengthened.  While the missions trips could help someone in both of these areas, to have two young men like Juan David and Jesús, men who spoke their language and understand their culture, will be the greatest "missionaries" to their own people.  So, through prayer and help, especially by Casa de Esperanza, these young men have had the opportunity to be even better equipped and grounded in the Bible to help strengthen and grow the local church.  Please keep both of these young men in your prayers!

I'll post some updates intermittently of some of our students as they are back at home serving in whatever way they can - thanks for your continued prayers for them.  As I make plans for the rest of the year, I am looking forward to spending some time in Canada (hopefully in the month of July) followed by resuming some travels throughout Mexico in August and September in order to visit past students as well as make some new connections for CEC.  Other opportunities over this coming year will include, Lord willing, participation in the Consiervos missions program (with the English program starting in just over a week and the missions training program taking place in October and November).   As we make plans also for next year while continuing to encourage our past students (hoping that we will have a good group for 2nd year this coming school season), it almost seems like 2023 is just around the corner!  Thank you for your continued prayers...  ¡Dios les bendiga!

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