Vida en Mexico

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hope and Healing

I just wanted to write a quick update on the status of Shaun and his wife Beatrice, the couple I wrote about in the last blog entry.  Gracias a Dios, we went into Hermosillo on Monday to pick up both Shaun and Beatrice from the hospital to take them back home!  Indeed, Shaun had a bout of dengue as well as some kind of infection in his stomach.  But when we went to pick him up, he was doing much better, ready to go home.

Marilyn survived three nights with the little ones.  She got little sleep the first night but the two were probably too tired to miss their parents the second and the third night!  They were overjoyed to see their parents again as they probably had never spent a night apart from them before!  Though I'm not sure who missed who more, whether it was the kids missing their parents or vice versa.

Continue to pray for them.  They are a young couple both in age and spiritually as well.  They are Christians but they have not found a Church body which they regularly attend.  Pray that God would provide for them, not only a job for him but also that He would be at work in their hearts and lives, drawing them closer.

Thanks for being a part of this and keeping them in your prayers!

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