So, with that I say, welcome, or perhaps, welcome back to this blog! I've made a few changes, adding some new features like an up to date photo gallery, a video gallery, and some other info to hopefully help give you a little better idea of what I actually do here and what goes on here at the mission center. I value your support so much, in words, thoughts, and prayers. The last part of Eph 4:12 says, "so that the body of christ may be built up...". Scripture mentions the body so many times, describing how we are connected with each other, working together. And that is definitely the case here too! As we work together with the local body, the local churches, we cannot, I cannot do it without YOUR help, YOUR prayers. You are an integral part of the work we do here!
So as my commitment to you, I will keep this blog updated regularly, so you can better be involved in the ministry here! It was a blessing seeing many of you over the past couple of weeks as I spent some time in southern Manitoba! There were many more I would love to have seen! I'm back in San Carlos, enjoying the slow pace of a HOT Mexican summer, though it hasn't been too slow here at the center! Just about every weekend is booked with local Mexican churches, not to mention the ongoing day to day activities here at the center.
Check out the blog! Look back regularly! I'll be sure to update once every week or two for sure. To those on my email support list, I will send an email out every time I write an update, and will do my updating here on the blog rather than in email form. If you want to be on this email list, just send me an email. So thanks for stopping by and look forward to getting better acquainted!
sweet i'll be reading :)
Pretty glad you'll be updating this again. When I'm in China (which I'm not right now), I have to be pretty careful what types of emails I get. When it comes to blogs I visit however, I have a little more freedom. Looking forward to checking here more regularly.
-Heather (from camp)
Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you
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