Vida en Mexico

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Classroom of Ups and Downs

It's always encouraging to hear from students outside of our formal training time with them.  Just the other day a student contacted me whom I had not heard from for a year or two - he came in 2021 and recently reached out to me, sharing about some of the ways he has been serving as of late, including teaching at a local Christian rehab center and some other local churches.  He expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the impact of his time at CEC.  He wrote,

"God has prepared us for battle - now it is our turn to act, and where there is fertile land to sow, I will do so tirelessly." - Fernando Rojas

It's hard to keep track of all of the students who come through CEC but it is always an encouragement to not only hear from them, but to see how they are continuing on serving the Lord, years after their time here.  Continue to pray with us for our students, both recent and past!

Without a doubt, while their time during the 3+ months we spend together comes with its challenges, some of the greatest challenges await them as they leave CEC and return home.  And while there is plenty of opportunity to put into practice things that are being learned while here (while they live together in community not to mention their weekend places of ministry...), the biggest tests await them beyond graduation.  This shouldn't be surprising, of course - I'm sure we can all look back to our own experiences, not to mention so many stories of even the great leaders in the Bible, to the ups and downs, failures and successes, of each one on this journey.  The learning continues far beyond the classroom and time at CEC, mirroring it in many ways with its own highs and lows.  He continues to teach and show His faithfulness. 

So, it is encouraging to hear from students like Yuleni and Fernando who are back serving in their congregation - a small agricultural village about an hour from here - investing in the children of the congregation.  Yuleni shared about how she was deeply impacted during her time in CEC - in her words, "by coming to know God more deeply through studying His Word."  Her husband, Fernando, a man of few words, gradually grew in confidence himself as he slowly opened up and shared what he was learning from God in our morning devotion time.  They are currently working with the children in their community, hosting them every Saturday for a time of games and Bible lessons.

Jesús and his wife Yuleni, serving at one of our off-site ministry opportunities for children.

Other students have had to navigate some challenges upon their return home.  One of our students, for various reasons, chose to step back from the ministry he was involved with to dedicate more time to his son - God has been at work to slowly bring restoration to a difficult family situation - while also providing opportunities to serve in different churches and rehab centers in the area.  Another one of our recent students is facing a similar situation with regards to his ministry - please pray for him that God would lead him in any decisions that need to be made.

One thing becomes especially clear as we continue to hear from the students - all of the "theory" that we learn, also has to be walked out in our lives.  While we do this as much as we can while we are together, it will be an ongoing task both in life and in ministry.  We have been thinking about what it looks like to continue to walk alongside the students as much as we can, to continue to encourage them in their lives and ministry.  To that end, we had our first (maybe anual?) alumni evening - lighting up the pizza oven and hearing from those who could return from this past year and enjoying one another's company once again, even if just for several hours.  It was a pleasure to reconnect with six of our students.  We are also planning an alumni weekend mid-summer, open to students from all 15 years, sometime mid-summer.  We hope and pray that it will be a time of encouragement for each one who comes as they continue on in service.

At present we have several activities/tasks going on that you can keep in your prayers:

  • Continuing to plan, as we confirm teachers for next year - we have some significant holes to fill left behind by some great teachers.
  • Consiervos English class - now almost halfway done its 8 week course (for people who need English in missions/ministry).  We've had the opportunity of continuing to connect with a couple of our past CEC students who have returned for this course.
  • Alumni Retreat - planning for a weekend in August, a time of fellowship and encouragement for  past students.
I'm also looking forward to being out in Manitoba once again this summer, for the month of August till into September.  We are planning an event in the Winkler, MB area on September 8th where several CEC staff, including Denver and Katie Janz, the directors of the school, will be out to share about the ongoing ministry of CEC (more details to come!).  While I'll have the opportunity to share this weekend at my home church BMC, in Manitoba (via video-call), there is nothing like being there in person.  I look forward to connecting with many while out there!  Until then, thanks again for the faithful support and prayers.  They are deeply appreciated!  ¡Dios les bendiga!

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