It usually takes a week or so at least to return back to a "normal" routine (whatever that may be!) following another school season of CEC - I can only imagine what it is like for the students as they return home after 14 weeks of intensive learning and living together. There is always a mixture of excitement for all that has been learned, all that God has done in each one's life during this time together, with the sadness of saying goodbye to the daily experience of community that we've come to enjoy. Here's some reflections on another great season of CEC and the class of 2023!
New First-Year Grads
Six young men returned to their homes and ministries, each one bearing evidence of God's work in their lives - each one leaving markedly different compared to when they arrived. Here's a few highlights:
Julio arrived with years of ministry experience behind him, having been rescued from a life of drugs and now serving those who are themselves caught up in addictions. For various reasons, though, he had for many years resisted going for any Bible training, and most recently, for various reasons, was at a spiritual low in his life. One of the greatest challenges for him during the school year was in the area of fellowship with others. Being a significant part of the program here, living as part of the family of God where biblical "theory" is meant to be lived out within the community, this was a significant stretch for a number of the students, perhaps especially Julio. One of the reasons for this emphasis in CEC's program comes to the heart of what it is to be a disciple of Jesus - we can learn how to "minister" to other people with all the right tools and biblical knowledge but in the end it is as much about who we are, in Christ, as it is about what we do or say. Learning how to love (and to be loved!) becomes the platform through which others will be more deeply impacted - and this is one of the areas where Julio grew tremendously throughout the course, coupled with a reigniting of his passion to serve God. The transformation that took place in many ways in his life showed itself from being an outlier to embracing the community, being impacted by it, and finding his place within it. He is a gifted leader with a vision for raising up different ministries to those who are still caught in addictions and is a natural leader who has the ability to pull others into the vision for ministry that God has given him.
Fabián is a young man who comes from the neighbouring community of Guaymas, who also came from a period in his life where he was caught up in addictions. What stood out for me in Fabián's life is the confidence he gained as he came to understand more deeply his identity in Christ. Having fallen into drug addictions already being a Christian, it has been hard to come back into the church, though God has unmistakably worked in his life and and has turned the corner on that lifestyle. Despite this, though, it has not been easy to reintegrate into the spiritual family. One of the things we want all of the students to see during their time in CEC is to come to a great understanding of who they are now in Christ, to know what God has done for each one of us through Christ, and to live confidently in the fullness of this new reality - that we live and serve only by grace and upon no other grounds. It was plain to see the evidence of these truths slowly sink deeper and deeper into Fabián's heart and mind during our time together. He, too, is a gifted individual, a musician with a deep passion to share Christ with others - an evangelist by nature - now, too, he is equipped with a deeper sense of his identity in Christ. Below is a picture of him sharing the Gospel along with another one of our students - this one week after leaving CEC.
New Second-Year Grads
In addition to these six grads, five others were able to complete our first ever 2nd-year program. Though we had attempted it once previously in 2020 (it was cut short due to Covid), we were able to see it through to the end this time around. During the final eight weeks of this year's course, five of our past students came back (ranging from this past year to all the way back to 2017). One of these students, Abraham, made the following remark:
"It was even better than the first time in CEC because we already knew the environment and we could immediately trust our fellow students as well as the staff - we could be open about our lives and begin to receive the reorientation that comes from God's Word."
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Abraham (left) together with one of the other second-year students, Javier. |
Another one of the returning students, Manuel, was a student back in 2017. In the last number of years (since before his first time in CEC) he has dedicated much of his time to planting a church in a nearby town called Maytorena, about half an hour from San Carlos. They now have a solid church family which they serve along with a strong children's ministry, at teams bringing into a couple of hundred kids from the community for any given outreach event. We've had the opportunity to take the students on ministry-practicums, both focused on children's and youth ministry together with the local church. It is a pleasure to be able to continue to build into the lives of past students like Manuel, to encourage him as best we can to continue in the pastoral work that God has laid on his heart.
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Manuel (left) along with one of our staff members, Guillermo. |
New Challenges
Every year, without exception, has brought new and distinct challenges for us as staff, this year being the absence of Howard and Susan as directors. We are reminded, though, that the vision and mission of CEC is greater than any one of us as we continually reoriento ourselves to move forward with the vision of this ministry that we have the privilege to be a part of. With that, Denver and Katie have taken on their roles as directors, and others have joined the team this year to see the ministry of CEC carry forward. It was a pleasure to be able to work along side Jake and Ingrid Friesen from my home church in Manitoba during this season, seeing their hearts for serving God and being a tremendous example and blessing to both the staff and student body.
Every change presents opportunities for growth and change, as we form a new way forward - change is often not what we look for but it ends up being the tool that God uses to work out His purposes not only through a ministry like CEC, but in each one of us as well. We appreciate your continued prayers for the ministry of CEC, for the team involved, and of course for continued healing in the life of Howard.
New Season
The end of the CEC season leads into a distinct, almost drastic change into the "after-CEC" season - not too unlike Manitoba's very distinct four seasons of the year! (Something I took for granted as "normal" until living here in the desert). This coming season will entail:
- Looking back and reflecting on this school term, evaluating and looking forward to how we can improve and grow the ministry of CEC as God leads.
- Continuing to connect and encourage past students as they are now serving back in their local places of ministry.
- Planning how to grow and expand the ministry of CEC, in terms of bringing in new students through new church contacts throughout Mexico.
- Involvement in the Conservios (Bondservants) English (July-August) and Missions Training (Oct-Nov) programs.
- Continued studies through Briercrest (I am preparing for a module at the end of May called "Shepherd the Flock, a theology class based around the task of pastoral care).
- Rejuvenation, both physical and spiritual.
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