Why? If we had the answer to that question...or even put a quarter away every time this question came up, we probably wouldn't have to worry about retirement, would we? This question can rise up in the smallest of things as well as in large things alike. Take, for example, a couple of weeks ago when myself and another teacher were planning to head out one weekend to visit a church conference a fair distance away where we would be able to share with a number of churches about CEC; yet, as I'm getting ready to leave, my car just doesn't start (btw, it started the next day without issues!). This turned out to be the nail in the coffin, though, as we had been tracking a large tropical storm that was supposed to be arriving about the same time as we were in that very area. So, as I call my coworker and tell him my car doesn't start, he tells me about this list of things that are impeding his ability to leave - my car was only confirming that, for whatever reason, we were not make this trip, as much as we were looking forward to it.
Bigger things? Well, it looks like every year we are surprised by things unforseen. This year is no exception (I think I say this every year!) For someone who's job is to plan, and who's nature is to have everything under control, this constantly presents a great challenge, but one where every year I see how things work out in ways that only God can manage. Seeing and knowing this, however, doesn't make the journey itself easy.
One of the biggest things that we are facing this year concerns our director and his wife, Howard and Susan, who took off for Canada where they need to spend six months for various reasons - this, however only brings them back at the beginning of March, well into our school season. With no other option, we were already preparing ourselves to be without our director and his wife as we prepare and begin our next season of CEC. This has now only been compounded by, as many of you have known and have been praying for, a diagnosis for some fairly serious health conditions that surfaced in Howard over the past couple of months resulting from the West Nile virus. Thankfully he is at home with his wife, in Canada, recuperating, however he is continuing to deal with some serious symptoms from the virus. Thankfully they will have time in Canada over the next months in recuperation, but more than anything, your continued prayers are coveted as there are no treatments for West Nile itself - we just continue to pray that he would find healing and relief from the present symptoms that he is experiencing. Once again, thanks to those who have been praying!
In all of these things, we ask, Why? What is going on? What are you working out, God? And so we plan as best we can, knowing that many of the difficult things in the past (I think of serious health issues that have struck some of our past staff members, and even with the death of Jose Luis a year ago...) have brought about fruit and experiences in trusting God that have perhaps been more powerful learning experiences than if everything had just gone "as we planned."
UPCOMING YEARSince I got back from being on the road for most of the summer, things have not slowed down at all. We had a great time connecting with past students and making new connections with new churches over this summer. (Here's a pic of a reunion from some of our students in the state of Jalisco.)
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L to R: Guillermo (staff), Alexis (2019), Ketzia (2021), Ruth (2022), Jacqui (2022), Joel (2018). |
In addition to connecting with some of our past students we were able to meet personally some new pastors from some new areas for some potential new students in the coming years. Many are already expressing interest in coming to CEC this coming January - keep praying that God would draw those whom He wants with us for 2023! As we face staffing changes (both our directors, and as some of our full-time staff not being able to come for the entire session) we look to see how these needs will be covered. We are preparing as well for our second year - an additional load, especially on teachers, but we look forward to reconnecting with alumni for two months, in March and April. Pray for students, that they would be able to get away for this time once again and be encouraged as they continue on in their ministries. All of that to say, plans are coming together and we are excited for another season!
BONDSERVANTS - CONSIERVOSAt present there are six students onsite for a missions training course called Consiervos, or, Bondservants. It is a 10-week preparation for those who would like to serve in a cross-cultural, missionary setting. The director of the program was sharing how over 20 different missionaries will be involved during this time as they share from their experience to encourage these participants as they prepare for serving in missions in the near future. Two of the students were with is at CEC earlier this year, so it is a great opportunity to continue to connect with them over these two months.
OTHER UPCOMING PLANSIn just over a week, 10 bible school students from Millar College of the Bible in Saskatchewan will spend a week and a half onsite with us for a missions module that we are hosting. Some of the same teachers involved in Consiervos will stay on to help these young Bible school students be challenged and encouraged to become involved in missions wherever and however God might lead them. Pray for this time as we lead them, and that God would use it significantly in their lives, especially as they can experience, even if just briefly, what it is like to be in a different culture. Two weeks later a group of 24 will arrive from Bethel church by Winkler, Manitoba, headed by my parents, for a week of serving both here at CEC as well as in the community, for just over a week.
These experiences bring me back to my first experience here in Mexico, a ten-day experience that has now "strechted out" to 15 years and counting. It seems that, in God's hands, things have a way of working out in unexpected ways, even if they are, at times, un-comfortable or not what we would have chosen. It was not that I didn't "choose" to come to Mexico, but it was not in my plans. More specifically, I didn't really have any plans at the time! In the end God always shows His faithfulness and His wisdom as He works things out in His way. Every unknown becomes another avenue for learning to trust in Him - something I have to keep telling myself from time to time as this nagging question of Why? keeps resurfacing.
Thanks for your continued prayers and support! They are never taken for granted. ¡Dios les bendiga!
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