Vida en Mexico

Friday, March 14, 2014

Let it rain...

Every time I look at the calendar, I can't believe how quickly this year is going by! We are well over halfway into our semester, with six weeks remaining. A new week starts and before we know it, they students are out the door for their weekend ministry assignments once again! Yesterday evening (Thursday), as we often do, we spent some time sharing communion together. Earlier the students had spent a number of hours in the desert, something that takes place once every couple of weeks or so, where they take nothing more than their Bible and maybe a notebook with them and spend some one on one time with the Lord. During our evening service a couple of the students shared about their desert experience and how they heard from the Lord. One student in particular shared how he came back full of joy and refreshed, having been very much encouraged by his time with the Lord. Though they were out there for several hours, he shared with joy written all over his face how the time just flew by and before he knew it it was time to come back. He also shared how he was just pleading with the Lord to give him the ability and words to preach His Word, especially in the church. Alfredo (the student) comes from a difficult past of drugs, etc. but the Lord powerfully rescued him from that, and now Alfredo is an evangelist at heart. He has no fear in going up to anyone and sharing the Gospel with them. He will tell you himself that he's probably struggled more than many of the others in some classes, catching on to everything, but far more importantly is seeing his heart fully engaged and being touched by the Lord.

On another front, exciting things are happening in Arizpe with Benny. He came out to visit us last week with a heavy heart. Although things were going well with the rehab center and with the small church congregation that he's been overseeing, there has been some opposition from a couple of people, one from a person who had been involved with the church in the past. Basically it came down to rumours and attacks towards the church and towards Benny. Though in spite of all of this, the congregation itself has rallied around Benny and even affirmed him as their pastor.

Benny shared how one day, during his daily morning devotion over the loudspeaker, he felt that he should pray with the people and ask for God to send rain. So he told them that the following day they would pray for God to send rain, this being the dry season and the farmers in need of some moisture.  The next day came and he encouraged the people to have faith in God and ask Him to send rain. During the day as he talked with people, they would ask him, "Do you think it's going to rain?" And he would encourage them to have faith in God and ask Him. As the afternoon wore on he continued to encourage the people and inside he was pleading with God to send some rain! Sure enough as the afternoon wore along, some clouds started to from.  At around 4:00 a few drops start to fall. By 5:00, a good steady rain is falling and it didn't stop until 5:00 the next morning. One could just see the excitement in Benny's eyes as he shared this story - and it was nothing to do with him but everything to do with God and His Goodness coming through, showing everything who He is.

We are very encouraged to see how God is at work among the people in Arizpe and using Benny. Keep praying for the ministry there. There are two people in the rehab center at this point, and they are both doing well. Pray for the church that it would grow in passion and numbers, that more people would come to know Christ through their witness.

Pray also for us at the school. Our desire is always to see this heart transformation in the lives of the students, above all else. One of the teachers shared last night during the time of communion how easy it is for one to leave something like Bible school as a "Pharisee", having an intellectual knowledge of many things but what we really want are true disciples, who leave with a more intimate relationship with the Lord. God bless!

A church service in the rehab center gym.

The church holding a public service in the community soccer court.
One of the young men currently in the rehab center.

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