Vida en Mexico

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Directed Steps

I've often reflected over the years here at CEC that each year brings a new challenge - something we've never seen before.  This has included things such as facing significant issues with students, major incidents such as one of our teachers suffering a life-threatening stroke, to the passing of members of our leadership (Howard most recently, and Jose Luis several years ago).  Walking through each of these experiences (it seems that without fail, we tend to face at least one such crisis each and every year,) one is tempted to think, "Now we've seen it all."  Just wait for next year!

All of this leads us to this year, and only a short time after having written the recent blogpost, The Countdown to the inauguration, we had to make the very difficult decision to cancel this year's course due to a very low number of applications.  This would be the first time this has happened following CEC's 15 classes that have graduated.  "Now we've seen it all," I'm tempted to say...  But even as I look back on each and every one of those other situations, what was difficult or painful at the time (and may continue to be so in many ways), were times when God's faithfulness was magnified.  They have been learning times, to say the least, and they have been trying times as well.  But they have also been growing times, where God has taken us down new paths, yes, uncomfortable paths, and has brought something about that otherwise would never have taken place.  I remember when Jose Luis had a major stroke which the doctors said he should not have survived.  After two weeks in the hospital he returned to CEC where he faced a long and arduous recovery, surrounded by the help of the student body caring for him in various ways - we witnessed a slow but miraculous recovery, enjoying his company and teaching at CEC for another couple of years until the Lord finally took him home.  Our journey over the past two years with Howard's passing (the founder of CEC) has also been a journey of growth into new chapters.

Each one of these experiences have inadvertently helped to prepare us for each new and unexpected circumstance that continues to come our way, even though in the moment we continue to be surprised by these new curve balls.  Yet the past testifies to Romans 8:28, that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him," though it may not be pleasant to walk through in the moment.  In this light, while it was a difficult decision to make, to cancel this year's course - weighing on each one of our hearts - we also had a God-given sense of peace in making it, knowing that this also was not outside of His control nor His plans.

Just the other day, on what would have been the second day of classes, we met together as the leadership staff to look ahead and see what these next months as well as the rest of the year could hold.  Last year one of the things that we focused on was a team was that CEC is more than just the three-and-a-half month course.  It encompasses the ongoing discipleship and encouragement of the alumni who minister in their homes, churches, and communities.  Through the alumni retreat, conference, and visits, it is a privilege to continue to walk alongside them both in their successes and difficulties.  

Jesús Fernando and Yuleni are an example of this - Jesús Fernando who entered the course as a very timid person just recently shared with us how he has been placed in charge of the men's group in his church.  This comes after he himself has shared how he has had opportunities to witness to his co-workers about God, seeing a difference in him, and as he reads his Bible on the job between tasks.  Prior, he never would have had the confidence to do so, but God has been at work in his life.  Yuleni shares about her new role in children's ministry in the church as well also their plans to reach out to the unchurched children in the area around where they live and work.

Jesús Fernando and Yuleni during their time at CEC.

On the other side, I just got a call from one of our past students who was calling after being incarcerated.  This student's journey has been particularly difficult, even after the time in CEC, but one in which this student also recognizes God's grace even in this circumstance - a chance to devote this time to Him and find his way forward.  What a privilege to walk along side each one of the students, both in their highs as well as their lows.  Who of us does not also have our own highs and lows in our journeys?

As we sat around the table the other day as the CEC leadership, we put into motion some plans for the short term, including taking advantage of one of our teachers who was scheduled to come at the end of February and host a 5 day conference on the very class that he was going to give - Panorama of the Bible.  Other ideas were shared and we will continue to look in the coming days at ways to further develop and build the ministry of CEC outside of our primary course, both on-site and off-site, through mentoring, conferences, visitations, trips, etc., while also looking forward to and preparing for next year.  Please continue to pray for us as we plan and continue the ministry of CEC through different means.  

As Proverbs 16:9 says, "The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps."  We continue to sense and rest in the fact that God will continue His ministry through CEC, that the vision to EQUIP AND TRAIN SERVANT LEADERS (Eph. 2:12) continues to be what guides us.  It may look a little different, especially over the course of the next few months, but we continue to trust that He will continue to direct our steps.  Thank you, as always, and maybe even more during times like these, for your continued support and prayers for myself and for this ministry!  God bless each one of you.  ¡Dios les bendiga!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Countdown

Ten days to go...  As we just finished counting down the final days of 2024, another countdown begins for us: the 2025 CEC school season.  But before we get into that, let me share some of the highlights of the end of last year:


The final event planned for 2024 took place at the end of November where a local pastor, Jorge Campoy, took us through the biblical and cultural context of the well known passage where Jesus condemns what is happening in the outer courts of the temple, overturning the tables, and citing the familiar Old Testament passage from Isaiah 56:7, "My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations."  He unpacked for us the powerful message of the Gospel, the miracle that God would invite all people to Himself - which was His plan all along - and one that those who were responsible for the Temple during Jesus' time, had completely overlooked.  Jesus Himself takes away all obstacles between us and God the Father - and this invitation was not just for the Jews, but for all people, including us!  

A time of worship before one of the sessions.

Staff and conference participants.

We had about 25 people participate in the two day conference, from various places, different backgrounds, a variety of "theological levels," but each one went away impacted both by Jorge's presentation of the Word, but also by the blessing it is to have received from the Word itself.  Each person we talked to expressed how they were impacted in some way.  It shouldn't be surprising, but when the Word is simply taught, being alive and active, it impacts and transforms.

In the evening we experimented with something that we often do during the CEC course itself: retreating to the beach in the evening to enjoy the sunset and take communion together around a campfire with prayer and worship.  Many reflected on how much they enjoyed this unique experience - a break from the routine, experiencing something familiar like the Lord's Supper in a different setting, and one as beautiful as a San Carlos beach.

Could there be a better setting for communion?

As we reflect on this conference, we are excited as we take up the torch once again, bringing back conferences like this, after having a reprieve of a couple of years without due to the pandemic restrictions at the time.  (This is the second year now that we've returned to doing an event like this...)

The rest of the year (the month of December) has been a time of relative rest, after a busy year with a number of events and outings, with opportunities to take care of different projects that have been on the back burner for a while - things that get pushed off until there is finally time to do them.  Among them included something that I've been working on over the past year and finally came to its conclusion - becoming a Mexican citizen!  It's something I've had in the back of my mind for a long time but finally pursued it this past year, and after a year of paperwork and waiting, I finally was presented my letter, the Carta de Naturalización, this past December.  Some have asked Why? and perhaps in a future post I can expand on that a bit more (or you can ask me personally!)  But in part, along with certain benefits, it has been part of a continued venture into living and truly being here in Mexico.  Mexicans, in general, have such a pride for their country and to make the effort to become a citizen is a way to honor both the people themselves and the country that they take pride in.  (Many are proud that someone would want to become a Mexican alongside them!)  In the end, it is part of a continued effort to always help reach more deeply and live alongside the people that I work with and serve.

CEC 2025

As I mentioned before...10 days to go!  With the beginning of a new year, months of planning now start turning into reality.  We are in the final stages of planning, not to mention confirming students.  It has been slow thus far as far as students being confirmed.  While a number have expressed interest, those who have actually sent in their application forms thus far is less than previous years, at this point.  This isn't the first time we've been at a place like this before, though, with only a little more than a week to go - we are, of course, in Mexico, where many things are spur-of-the-moment.  So there is still time for more students to show interest and hand in their applications.  It is, though, a faith-inducing experience - even if it is not the first time we've gone through this!  So, PRAY together with us for those students that God would bring to us this year.  It is always a big commitment for them to take that step of faith themselves, but our prayer is that their desire to grow deeper in their walk, to learn deeply from the Bible, and their desire to serve, would propel them beyond whatever obstacle might present itself to spend these next four months with us.  Our beginning day of classes is the 20th of January.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support!  As we enter this intense season of walking alongside others, we covet your prayers.  Each year presents its unique challenges and opportunities with each student that comes.  It also presents its own personal challenges - but I look forward to another opportunity to walk together with others as we grow together.  God bless each one of you and thank you!  ¡Dios les bendiga!