Vida en Mexico

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Covid, Classes, and Cambios (Changes)

 Every year brings with it something new, something unexpected.  After ten years here at CEC, that has been the one constant!  As a scheduler, it can be frustrating - but I suppose something needs to keep me up at 3am from time to time!  In reality, though, as the years have progressed, expecting the unexpected takes the edge off.  More than anything else, though, knowing that God works out His plan even when they aren't according to our plans brings ultimate rest.

While this year's plans have already been derailed, we are still encouraged with this coming school season.  Perhaps I need to explain a little...  Yesterday was supposed to be our first day of classes, but as you can probably already guess, our plans have changed.  A week ago several of us staff members tested positive with Covid - nothing serious, mind you, just the typical strain that seems to be making its round now more as a bad cold.  As it turned out, several of the other staff members have also developed symptoms and so we decided it would be best to hold off on week before we bring our students on site to begin another school year.  Fortunately all were able to readjust their arrivals to accommodate this change.  In reality, this has given us all a chance to breath a little deeper, catch our breath and be ready, Lord willing, for CEC's 2022 class.

We have eight students lined up, with another one or two possibilities.  We are excited as well about a number of students wanting to return for our second year.  While last week served as a had a chance to catch my breath being confined to my house, I had some opportunity to prep some of my classes, going over past material and re-envision how to stimulate the students in growth.  The first weeks I'll have the chance of working through Spiritual Disciplines with them - pray with me as we explore these themes together in way that, I hope, encourages them in their own relationships with God and with each other.

Fortunately I am doing much better - a few of our staff are still battling some cold-like symptoms.  Please pray for us as a staff that we will be healthy and ready to go by this weekend.  In one sense, it is a blessing to have this behind us before school begins.  Please continue to pray for our students - already having been in contact with them we can see their desire to learn, hearing some of how God has already been at work in their lives to this point.  This year already feels like we will need an extra spirit of flexibility - not always the easiest thing for a scheduler - but I know it will be a good year.  Thanks for your continued prayers!  ¡Dios les bendiga!