Normally we would have already been doing a fair bit of connection and promo work for the coming school season; we probably would have been on the road as I write, travelling to different parts of Mexico connecting with past students and making new connections in different churches for potential students. That was all brought to a halt for this summer and the efforts have taken a new direction (as many things have!) at a safe distance. With that we've launched an online campaign for the coming school season with some videos that talk about what CEC is all about. I made an "English" version with subtitles so that you too can enjoy them as well. For those who haven't seen the videos posted on Facebook, you can view them below. There will be more videos coming in the coming weeks highlighting different aspects of the program.
Being the Church - Two Intertwining Threads
Several things have transpired over the past couple of months that, personally, have really reinforced the vision of CEC and what it is that we desire to see happen in the lives of the students during the 4 months we have together with them. One of those things was the online course that I was able to take in through Briercrest on the topic of Teaching and Learning where we looked at what Christian Education is all about. (I think I mentioned this briefly in a previous post.) What impacted me most about this class was how Jesus' example of teaching (discipleship), though it did include some "classroom" type settings, was more about a journey together with His disciples, in community. This is probably the thing that stood out more than anything else - I have often considered discipleship as my personal walk with Jesus, but the fact is that discipleship for the disciples was also a function of community. Teaching opportunities arose as they walked together, lived together and ministered together. I just submitted a paper called My Personal Philosophy of Christian Education, and though the title does not sound exciting, it really captures what CEC is all about - this communal walk of discipleship. If you would at all be interested in reading it, you can do so here.
The other thing that coincides with this are the questions that arise over our current experiences, specifically as the Church, over the past number of weeks. In Mexico, we are still not allowed to have public services and so continue to transmit Sunday morning worship services online. Our experience of "church" has been greatly hindered, in a sense, but it has brought about many questions about what church should "look like" during a time like this. We miss meeting together, not having seen many people in person for a long time. But what does it truly mean to be the Church? That is a question we directly and indirectly ask ourselves with the students. How do we do church? The question should probably be though, not how to do church but rather how to be the Church - but what does that even mean?
Our inability to meet together at church - what a second... What did I just say? "Our inability to meet together at church..." There's actually two things wrong with this statement. 1) In the New Testament, the word "church" comes from the word ekklesia which means "an assembly." Church always referred to the people and never a building - there actually were no places built specifically for the Church to meet together for several centuries and so they met in people's homes. There was no "going to church," there simply was the Church, the people. 2) "Inability to meet?" Who says we can't meet together? Yes, there are restrictions in meeting publicly, a maximum number of people, etc. but with those we can meet together with, we can encourage each other as The Church. I think that's exactly what Hebrews 10:25 is talking - not "going to Church" but always finding ways to encourage each other as the Church, whether we have a building to do it in or not.
"Do not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
It really is one of the goals of CEC - to live together as the Church, growing together and challenging each other in our walk. It's the journey we as Christians are all a part of and invited to walk together, wherever we are, under whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. Maybe this raises more questions then answers, but it keeps me asking myself, What does it mean for me as a member of the Church? What does it mean to be the Church?
The Summer
Though things have looked different this year to this point, we are still looking forward to another season of students at CEC. We actually already have a few people who are interested in coming next January! I am making plans to head up to Manitoba early July (and factoring in obligations for quarantining on arrival) to be able to connect with family, friends, and my church family there over July and August. Lord willing, I look forward to connecting with many of you in the coming weeks.
In the certainty of uncertainty, all we can do is do the best we can with what we have at hand, knowing that God is and will remain the ultimate Certainty, the One who has everything together in His hands, and is working everything out for His glory and our good. Thanks for your continued prayers for the ministry here in Mexico! ¡Dios les bendiga!