Vida en Mexico

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Homework, Hurricanes, and....Horarios

Hello from San Carlos!  I couldn't think of a third "H" word so I had to resort to Spanish, but those words in a nutshell tells you what I've been up to over the course of the past number of weeks. Let's start with the first one - that dreaded word, "homework."


Last year I "returned to school" in an online format, taking both a class last fall and again this fall from Briercrest's online seminary classes with a desire to keep learning and growing.  If challenges are the prerequisite to extensive learning and growing, these classes have not disappointed!  I'm currently in an Old Testament Survey class that is wrapping up at the end of this month and I've really enjoyed it, despite the work it has been.  With extensive commitments at the end of this month which I will highlight below, I have had to become "highly motivated" to get homework done ahead of time - not an easy thing for a natural procrastinator...

Despite the research papers and the reading that has been involved, it has been very encouraging to take a closer look at the Old Testament, a part of the Bible that we sometimes don't know what to do with, and see, of all things, a merciful God who is desperately reaching out to His creation.  I think I have often read the OT thinking that it is mostly full of condemnation, anger, and judgement towards Israel, but upon closer look, when we see how often (and how quickly) Israel turned away to worship other gods, time and time again, it is amazing that God held off as long as He did before exiling them.  Even then, He did not give up on us, but would eventually send His Son.  (If anyone wants to read the paper I just handed in today on Genesis 12:1-8 which looks at God's call to Abraham, click here.)


Well, to be clear, it should read "hurricane" and to be technically correct, it wasn't a hurricane by the time it hit us but rather tropical storm Sergio.  It doesn't compare in anyway whatsoever to the destruction that has been leashed on many parts of Mexico and the US recently with storms such as Michael.  We did however get a few inches of rain and enough wind to blow over a couple of trees, and make a general mess of things.  The rain itself is always welcome, keeping things green a little longer and cooling things off.  Thankfully we survived with little damage!

Horarios (Spanish for "Schedules")

That's a round-about way of highlighting what's coming up beginning next week as we host a missions module from Millar College of the Bible in Saskatchewan and I've been putting the schedule together.  Six students will be spending two weeks with us as we look at various themes relevant to missions including cultural aspects, what a biblical understanding of missions looks like, difficulties faced, how to be effective, and more, while also hearing from a number of missionaries currently on the field serving.  We will also spend some time "on the field" working together with local churches and missions organizations.  Our hope and prayer is that the students who come will not only be challenged by what they learn and experience but also respond personally to the call to reach out to others.

Pray for us as we prepare for this time with the students.  Pray also for myself as I finish up this class.  We have officially started accepting applications for the coming school year - pray for the next class of students!  We never know who nor how many will come but trust that God will bring each student who needs to be here.  Thanks for your ongoing prayers!  ¡Dios les bendiga!