Tomorrow marks one month to go of classes - where has the time flown by?
The group of eight students, who come from 6 different states across Mexico continue to show a hunger for the Bible, and a softness of heart in responding to what God is showing. It is neat to see how it is in fact God Himself who does the teaching, who organizes not only the content of the course (something that we as teachers attempt to do) but both the students and ourselves are always amazed at how God coordinates it all: the classes, though taught by different teachers on different topics, end up being one united voice. This doesn't include only the classroom times but experiences outside of the class as well, as though God helps us move beyond merely the "theory" to the actually living out of what is being taught. There's one particular experience that comes to mind (among a number that have happened so far). A little while back as we were looking at the Spiritual Discipline of Solitude and Silence, learning to value time spent alone with God, we had arranged a time of silence to begin on a certain day from the moment the students woke up: the day was to be spent in complete silence, not speaking to each other whatsoever with only minimal "communication" where it was absolutely necessary. It just so happened that in this particular day several events transpired that resulted in one of the students having to leave. This all came to a culmination in the morning of the day of silence. Many of the students had questions and no doubt wanted to ask us what was going on, expressing their thoughts and feelings. Do we postpone the planned day of silence? Or is this another opportunity to that God is presenting to lean on Him and trust Him alone?
In the class that morning we began (the students being in complete silence) with Psalm 139, how God knows us so intimately, and knew us so even before we were born. We heard from the testimony of someone who walked through several years of silence, being unable to talk (thanks Char!) and how one of the things that impacted her was coming to the deep realization of how God alone truly hears us and knows what is in it hearts. In silence the students had no option but to go to God with every question, doubt and feeling, with the assurance that He heard them better than any person ever could, GOD truly hears us.
Later that day we all met together to break the silence and reflect on the day. We wondered (or at least I did...) how the students would respond to the day and its events. After sharing a little bit on our behalf, each one of the students shared with how they were impacted by the experience and were completely at peace with everything that had transpired, including understanding why the student had to leave.
It's encouraging to see the continued hunger that the students have for God's Word and that it is God Himself who is doing the work in them, as well as in us. In a sense, we are just along for the ride! Pray that the students would finish strong and as they start to think about going back to the churches and communities, that they would have a deeper sense of how to go back and what to do with what they've been learning. It's always a mixture of feelings, sadness that the time together is coming to an end but an excitement as well, not only to return home but with the purpose of serving and being a blessing. Thanks for each and every one of your prayers! ¡Dios les bendiga!