Two full and intense days of teaching, worship, and prayer came to an end yesterday evening, as we celebrated communion together. We had the privilege of hosting about 30 people from different churches here in the Guaymas/Empalme area as well as some "out of" from the neighbouring area and Hermosillo. The theme was Called to Unity in Christ and two of our teachers took us through Scripture that challenged us to drop so many of the walls we have setup over the years as Christians, doctrinal barriers about things that don't carry the weight of Salvation but nonetheless have divided us. This is not to be mistaken with a "light" Gospel message but rather about truly rallying around the powerful, life-changing Gospel message and leaving the peripherals out of the equation, learning not just to tolerate each other but to love one another - this becomes the powerful witness that the world needs to see. This is specifically what Jesus prayed for in John chapter 17. He was actually praying for us and for this witness!
I love the way one of the teachers illustrated the lack of unity. Scripturally we see that the church is not divided - there is only one church. Christ will not come back for "churches" or denominations but for His one Church, His Bride, so often illustrated in Scripture as a body - not many bodies but one body. However our disunity is as though this body has parts of it that are dislocated, not separated as though there are arms and legs cut off from the body - we are joined together as one, but functionally we are as though parts of the body are dislocated. What happens to a dislocated shoulder? At first there is tremendous pain and our arm becomes severely inhibited, virtually nonfunctional. Not only is the arm affected but the rest of the body is affected as well, without the use of this important member. But if it is not treated, eventually the pain may subside somewhat or rather, we simply become accustomed to living with it and not only with the pain but also with the disability. We learned to compensate but in reality, we are not functioning to our full capacity.
What a vivid picture of disunity! It's interesting to note that this is the second of three conferences here in the area, all planned by different groups, completely separately with no coordination whatsoever between each group, all about the same topic: Unity as Believers. This theme is on the hearts of many people and appears as though God is wanting us to understand something, something integral to the very message of the Gospel. John 17 paints this picture so clearly for the sake of those lost, for the purpose of bringing glory to God. Verse 21 says:
"...that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." - John 17:21
Thanks to everyone who was praying for this time! We are excited and encouraged to be a part of times like these and are looking forward to the start of a new course in January.
¡Dios les bendiga!
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Unity in Christ
As the days march past, not only is the end of the year coming but also with it, another school cycle as the next session of classes start mid-January! That leaves us just over two months to get everything together, get the word out for prospective students, and get details into place, amongst other activities that are happening between now and then. Perhaps what is most significant as far as something new for this coming year is that we are offering for the first time a second level of classes, which will be running at the same time as the first year, taking advantage of the teachers that are already here. It's a brand new curriculum for us and we're exciting to be able to offer it to the 7 generations of students that have passed through the walls of CEC.
Of particular note, however, is an up and coming conference that we are hosting here at CEC in a couple of weeks, November 22 & 23, which is centred on the theme Called to Unity in Christ. It is a theme that addresses us as the church, One Church, not many churches split up by denominational lines and divided by different emphases in our teachings but recognizing that Christ is coming back for One Church, His Church, made up of those who have put their faith in Him alone. It was interesting that as some of the school staff met with this idea for the conference on our hearts, I was also involved in a worship team that was preparing for a two day conference put on by a local church in Empalme. As we at CEC were feeling lead in the direction of this topic and came up with the title for the conference, Called to Unity in Christ, not even a week had passed before I became aware of the title for the other conference being hosted by the local church, Unity in the Holy Spirit. It seems we aren't the only ones with this on our hearts!
As a non-denominational school we receive students from many different church backgrounds, from more conservative to charismatic churches. At times it can lead to interesting discussions but right from the beginning we make it very clear that with regards to certain doctrinal differences that students might have, our goal isn't to convince others nor to defend our own beliefs between each other. Our goal is to open the Word, learn how to study it, continue to be transformed by it, becoming more like Christ, and being equipped with practical tools to help take the Word to others. We get hung up on doctrinal differences sometimes when Christ is concerned about forming His character within us. When I'm talking about doctrinal differences, I'm really talking about the 5% or maybe 10% of the things that divide us as Christians, the things that cause us to not want to work together with our brothers and sisters in Christ, perhaps even view them as enemies or to at least compete with them on some level, rather than the 95% that we share in common. That 95% is what we focus on in CEC and it is always a pleasure to see the group of students accept each other, love each other and work together, even despite the fact that we are not 100% in agreement with each other on every doctrinal point.
Perhaps a side note is needed here because there are movements today, even in Christian churches, that promote unity above a foundation of Truth, that is, there is a sacrifice of fundamental elements of what we believe in order to come together for the sake of unity. There are things that we cannot be soft about and simply "let go". Unity for the sake of unity is not Biblical unity, nor God-honoring unity. It must be centred on Truth, on God's Word, on Christ, in Christ and His ultimate sacrifice for us. The push in the world today is towards unity, but at the expense of any sense of ultimate truth, and this is not what we stand for. We stand for Christ, for His teachings, for His shed-blood on the cross, and His sanctifying work in us. This brings us together, and this is really the purpose of the unity, isn't it? "They will know that we are Christians by our love," goes the song. Our coming together as a unified body is about evangelism, as one pastor I talked with recently shared: it's a strong testimony (a testimony that is often lacking...) to those who don't know. So the task before us is to discern those things that are fundamental and absolutely central to our faith, cling to those things as a united body, and lay aside the "peripheral differences" that we have, perhaps agreeing to disagree and maybe even learning from each other (because very often those with whom we disagree have something that we can indeed learn from). The rallying cry isn't UNITY, our rallying cry is CHRIST, and this brings together His true Church, those who fearlessly and jealously cling to Him.
All of this is to say, pray for us as we put together the final details for this conference and get the word out. We pray that it would truly be an encouraging time for those who come and that we would continue to move in a God-honoring direction of unity amongst us as congregations. Pray that local pastors and leaders would be drawn in and encouraged. Pray for our two teachers, Benny and pastor Guillermo from El Choyudo who will be sharing what God has laid on their hearts. Thanks for your prayers!
¡Dios les bendiga!
Of particular note, however, is an up and coming conference that we are hosting here at CEC in a couple of weeks, November 22 & 23, which is centred on the theme Called to Unity in Christ. It is a theme that addresses us as the church, One Church, not many churches split up by denominational lines and divided by different emphases in our teachings but recognizing that Christ is coming back for One Church, His Church, made up of those who have put their faith in Him alone. It was interesting that as some of the school staff met with this idea for the conference on our hearts, I was also involved in a worship team that was preparing for a two day conference put on by a local church in Empalme. As we at CEC were feeling lead in the direction of this topic and came up with the title for the conference, Called to Unity in Christ, not even a week had passed before I became aware of the title for the other conference being hosted by the local church, Unity in the Holy Spirit. It seems we aren't the only ones with this on our hearts!
As a non-denominational school we receive students from many different church backgrounds, from more conservative to charismatic churches. At times it can lead to interesting discussions but right from the beginning we make it very clear that with regards to certain doctrinal differences that students might have, our goal isn't to convince others nor to defend our own beliefs between each other. Our goal is to open the Word, learn how to study it, continue to be transformed by it, becoming more like Christ, and being equipped with practical tools to help take the Word to others. We get hung up on doctrinal differences sometimes when Christ is concerned about forming His character within us. When I'm talking about doctrinal differences, I'm really talking about the 5% or maybe 10% of the things that divide us as Christians, the things that cause us to not want to work together with our brothers and sisters in Christ, perhaps even view them as enemies or to at least compete with them on some level, rather than the 95% that we share in common. That 95% is what we focus on in CEC and it is always a pleasure to see the group of students accept each other, love each other and work together, even despite the fact that we are not 100% in agreement with each other on every doctrinal point.
Perhaps a side note is needed here because there are movements today, even in Christian churches, that promote unity above a foundation of Truth, that is, there is a sacrifice of fundamental elements of what we believe in order to come together for the sake of unity. There are things that we cannot be soft about and simply "let go". Unity for the sake of unity is not Biblical unity, nor God-honoring unity. It must be centred on Truth, on God's Word, on Christ, in Christ and His ultimate sacrifice for us. The push in the world today is towards unity, but at the expense of any sense of ultimate truth, and this is not what we stand for. We stand for Christ, for His teachings, for His shed-blood on the cross, and His sanctifying work in us. This brings us together, and this is really the purpose of the unity, isn't it? "They will know that we are Christians by our love," goes the song. Our coming together as a unified body is about evangelism, as one pastor I talked with recently shared: it's a strong testimony (a testimony that is often lacking...) to those who don't know. So the task before us is to discern those things that are fundamental and absolutely central to our faith, cling to those things as a united body, and lay aside the "peripheral differences" that we have, perhaps agreeing to disagree and maybe even learning from each other (because very often those with whom we disagree have something that we can indeed learn from). The rallying cry isn't UNITY, our rallying cry is CHRIST, and this brings together His true Church, those who fearlessly and jealously cling to Him.
All of this is to say, pray for us as we put together the final details for this conference and get the word out. We pray that it would truly be an encouraging time for those who come and that we would continue to move in a God-honoring direction of unity amongst us as congregations. Pray that local pastors and leaders would be drawn in and encouraged. Pray for our two teachers, Benny and pastor Guillermo from El Choyudo who will be sharing what God has laid on their hearts. Thanks for your prayers!
¡Dios les bendiga!
Friday, September 16, 2016
Summer Come and Gone
Where exactly did it go? It does still feel "summer-like" here in San Carlos, though we're all hoping that it will cool down real soon. In fact, it has to some degree as we're only reaching the low to mid 30's - what a relief! This has been a different summer than most, but one that has been thoroughly enjoyable, and it has led into an exciting looking winter season. Here's some of the highlights:
In the nine years that I've been down here in Mexico, this summer I spent the most time up in Canada than I have any other year thanks to a series of weddings. Two trips up to Canada were book-cased by weddings of two of my siblings, one either end, with another wedding thrown in the middle for good measure, of a very good friend. All in all you end up with about two and a half months spent up north, thankfully, not in winter but in summer, when it truly is a beautiful place to be. Over the years, I have not ever felt disconnected from friends and family, thankfully, but to be able to spend an extended amount of time helps to catch up with people in ways that is difficult to do when the stays are only a couple of weeks or a month at the most. So thanks to all the weddings, cleverly spread apart over the course of three months, I had the opportunity to spend extended time with my family, my church family, and also friends and reconnect in a very refreshing and encouraging way. Thanks to the many of you with whom I was able to spend time with! It truly was a blessing and a pleasure.
Right in the middle of my stay in Canada, I had the tremendous privilege to host Benny, who pastors in Arizpe and who is planning to startup full-time the Rehab Center this coming January in Arizpe. Several people had made it possible for him to get his US visa and he was invited to connect with people and tour the Teen Challenge in Minneapolis. Being "just down the road" from Winkler by about a six hour drive, we did what we could to get his Canadian visa so that he could connect with many who had already gotten to know him on previous missions trips to the Mexico, and to get to meet many others who have heard so much about it. What can only be described as "by God's grace and intervention" he picked up his passport with the newly granted Canadian visa the day before he left for the US - Praise God! And with that, he fearfully boarded the plane for Minneapolis.
He spent a total of 5 days in Canada followed by several days in Minneapolis where he got to share a bit of his story and also his passion for the Rehab Center. It's always exciting to see how God is working in different people's lives, and to connect believers from different countries but who have the same passion to serve God. During the trip we were encouraged and sensed God's leading to to think and dream big as far as the Rehab Center ministry goes. There is an endless need for this ministry and I can't think of a better nor more adequate person for the job. Pray for Benny as we make some preparations to being in January. There are a number of items that need to come together to be able to do a great job. Also, if you want to be involved, there are many different needs, both short term and also some longer-term needs to see the ministry grow in the future. Click here to see more about this ministry and the proposed long-term plan.
It would seem that travel has been a common theme this year and wouldn't you know that within a couple of weeks of being back it's time to hit the road again. This past year we were blessed by a Mexican couple who come from Cuernavaca, close to Mexico City, Jose Luis and Chayo. They joined our staff and were here during the school term and Lord willing, they will be coming back. In the meantime, as they are back serving in their hometown, they have many connections to people in ministry and other churches in the area as well as the neighbouring states. Our plan is to join them for a two week journey connecting with these churches as well as past students who come from the area, to encourage them and to share with them the vision of the school. We are finding such a need, especially in the south of Mexico, many people who have sensed the call to ministry but have not had any opportunities to better prepare themselves. It is especially these people that we as a school want to reach out to. Pray for this trip that God would bring us to the people who need this time of preparation here at CEC.
Time is running quickly and there are still many preparations and plans to make before January rolls around. Lord willing our desire is to offer for the first time a second year course. This will make this coming school term much more intense but, after having talked about it for a number of years we feel that we have the team and teachers in place to make it happen. There still are teachers to iron out as well as classes but pray for us as we continue to move forward, not only for the classes and teachers but also for the students as well.
One other thing that I have been working on is getting a bilingual website for CEC. If you want to catch a sneak peak of what it will look like, just head over to and take a look. Hopefully by the end of October it will be fully functional.
As always, thanks for the tremendous support from each and every one of you! It truly was a pleasure to being able to see and spend some extended time with many of you this summer. I look forward to more moments both here and there as well as to what God will continue to do through this ministry. ¡Dios les bendiga!
In the nine years that I've been down here in Mexico, this summer I spent the most time up in Canada than I have any other year thanks to a series of weddings. Two trips up to Canada were book-cased by weddings of two of my siblings, one either end, with another wedding thrown in the middle for good measure, of a very good friend. All in all you end up with about two and a half months spent up north, thankfully, not in winter but in summer, when it truly is a beautiful place to be. Over the years, I have not ever felt disconnected from friends and family, thankfully, but to be able to spend an extended amount of time helps to catch up with people in ways that is difficult to do when the stays are only a couple of weeks or a month at the most. So thanks to all the weddings, cleverly spread apart over the course of three months, I had the opportunity to spend extended time with my family, my church family, and also friends and reconnect in a very refreshing and encouraging way. Thanks to the many of you with whom I was able to spend time with! It truly was a blessing and a pleasure.
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At my brother's wedding |
Right in the middle of my stay in Canada, I had the tremendous privilege to host Benny, who pastors in Arizpe and who is planning to startup full-time the Rehab Center this coming January in Arizpe. Several people had made it possible for him to get his US visa and he was invited to connect with people and tour the Teen Challenge in Minneapolis. Being "just down the road" from Winkler by about a six hour drive, we did what we could to get his Canadian visa so that he could connect with many who had already gotten to know him on previous missions trips to the Mexico, and to get to meet many others who have heard so much about it. What can only be described as "by God's grace and intervention" he picked up his passport with the newly granted Canadian visa the day before he left for the US - Praise God! And with that, he fearfully boarded the plane for Minneapolis.
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Benny sharing at my church |
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Enjoying an amazing fish-fry, thanks to Benny! |
He spent a total of 5 days in Canada followed by several days in Minneapolis where he got to share a bit of his story and also his passion for the Rehab Center. It's always exciting to see how God is working in different people's lives, and to connect believers from different countries but who have the same passion to serve God. During the trip we were encouraged and sensed God's leading to to think and dream big as far as the Rehab Center ministry goes. There is an endless need for this ministry and I can't think of a better nor more adequate person for the job. Pray for Benny as we make some preparations to being in January. There are a number of items that need to come together to be able to do a great job. Also, if you want to be involved, there are many different needs, both short term and also some longer-term needs to see the ministry grow in the future. Click here to see more about this ministry and the proposed long-term plan.
It would seem that travel has been a common theme this year and wouldn't you know that within a couple of weeks of being back it's time to hit the road again. This past year we were blessed by a Mexican couple who come from Cuernavaca, close to Mexico City, Jose Luis and Chayo. They joined our staff and were here during the school term and Lord willing, they will be coming back. In the meantime, as they are back serving in their hometown, they have many connections to people in ministry and other churches in the area as well as the neighbouring states. Our plan is to join them for a two week journey connecting with these churches as well as past students who come from the area, to encourage them and to share with them the vision of the school. We are finding such a need, especially in the south of Mexico, many people who have sensed the call to ministry but have not had any opportunities to better prepare themselves. It is especially these people that we as a school want to reach out to. Pray for this trip that God would bring us to the people who need this time of preparation here at CEC.
Time is running quickly and there are still many preparations and plans to make before January rolls around. Lord willing our desire is to offer for the first time a second year course. This will make this coming school term much more intense but, after having talked about it for a number of years we feel that we have the team and teachers in place to make it happen. There still are teachers to iron out as well as classes but pray for us as we continue to move forward, not only for the classes and teachers but also for the students as well.
One other thing that I have been working on is getting a bilingual website for CEC. If you want to catch a sneak peak of what it will look like, just head over to and take a look. Hopefully by the end of October it will be fully functional.
As always, thanks for the tremendous support from each and every one of you! It truly was a pleasure to being able to see and spend some extended time with many of you this summer. I look forward to more moments both here and there as well as to what God will continue to do through this ministry. ¡Dios les bendiga!
Monday, June 27, 2016
"Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice."
Preparing the other day for the worship time at San Carlos Community Church, I came across this verse, familiar words that struck a chord in my heart in a fresh way. "Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice." (I Chron. 16:10) It's an encouragement and a reminder that those who are seeking Him truly have something to rejoice about! Later on in the same chapter David writes:
26 For all the gods of the nations are idols,
but the Lord made the heavens. (I Chron. 16:26)
All of the other things that we could possibly seek after are mere idols, merely inanimate objects, things, even people, resources, wealth, stuff, nothing that compares to the One who has set everything in motion, the one who made the heavens. How can we not rejoice then when we are in fact seeking Him? How can we not wonder why our pursuits are joyless when we are seeking something other than God? That's why David gives us the reminder in verse 11:
11 Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always. (I Chron. 16:11)
Later on tells us:
25 For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
he is to be feared above all gods.
26 For all the gods of the nations are idols,
but the Lord made the heavens.
27 Splendor and majesty are before him;
strength and joy are in his dwelling place. (I Chron. 16:25-27)
Perhaps I needed (well, maybe not perhaps...I did need!) that reminder as so many other things can sneak up and take the place in our hearts, our focus, our time, our energy, etc. that really only belongs to God. I'm so grateful for these gentle, loving reminders that He give us!
I'm looking forward to heading up (yes, back up!) to Manitoba next week. As it has turned out this year, this summer is the summer of weddings with my sister having been married a couple of weeks ago, a good friend in another couple of weeks, and then finally my brother at the end of August. I'll be in MB from next week until the end of August, and in between the weddings I'm looking forward to seeing many of you! Give me a call, send me a message, I'd love to chat about this past school year and the exciting things that we have coming ahead for this fall and winter season! I will see many of you soon...
God bless! ¡Dios les bendiga! Keep seeking God and rejoicing!
26 For all the gods of the nations are idols,
but the Lord made the heavens. (I Chron. 16:26)
All of the other things that we could possibly seek after are mere idols, merely inanimate objects, things, even people, resources, wealth, stuff, nothing that compares to the One who has set everything in motion, the one who made the heavens. How can we not rejoice then when we are in fact seeking Him? How can we not wonder why our pursuits are joyless when we are seeking something other than God? That's why David gives us the reminder in verse 11:
11 Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always. (I Chron. 16:11)
Later on tells us:
25 For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
he is to be feared above all gods.
26 For all the gods of the nations are idols,
but the Lord made the heavens.
27 Splendor and majesty are before him;
strength and joy are in his dwelling place. (I Chron. 16:25-27)
Perhaps I needed (well, maybe not perhaps...I did need!) that reminder as so many other things can sneak up and take the place in our hearts, our focus, our time, our energy, etc. that really only belongs to God. I'm so grateful for these gentle, loving reminders that He give us!
I'm looking forward to heading up (yes, back up!) to Manitoba next week. As it has turned out this year, this summer is the summer of weddings with my sister having been married a couple of weeks ago, a good friend in another couple of weeks, and then finally my brother at the end of August. I'll be in MB from next week until the end of August, and in between the weddings I'm looking forward to seeing many of you! Give me a call, send me a message, I'd love to chat about this past school year and the exciting things that we have coming ahead for this fall and winter season! I will see many of you soon...
God bless! ¡Dios les bendiga! Keep seeking God and rejoicing!
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Spring Update
Another school term has come and gone. It has been exciting to see God at work and hear from the students as they are back in their homes and communities. Pray for them! Read below about the past four months and how God has been at work. If you cannot see the update newsletter below, click here.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Week Four
It's hard to believe that week four is quickly coming to a close...that means that we are almost a third done the course. In some ways it feels like we've had these students for months already. Though the honeymoon period has long worn off, we are still excited, as the students are as well, with what God is doing amongst us. Wednesday was such a day.
As part of the Spiritual Disciplines class that focussed on Solitude, we discussed and put into practice the experience of silence - reflecting on how we use our words and also by being in silence for a day, learning to listen for God's voice more clearly. Beginning with the first class at 9:00 all took part in a day of silence - no use of the voice with the exception of the teachers, of course, during their class. Meals were interesting, and of course eaten rather quickly as there was not much else to do but eat! The whole day was spent in silence until after supper when we celebrated communion together.
As leaders we met during the day for our weekly staff meeting (yes, we did break our vows of silence for that period!) to cover basic issues that come up, share with each other things that are going on, etc. We noted some particular concerns concerning some students, areas where we saw needs for growth and healing, etc. In particular we noted one of the students, whom one of our teachers has known for years, and has come through some very difficult things in his life. We had seen him in the last couple of days especially putting up barriers in various ways, in classes, and in relationships, and just in general. Knowing a little about his past we could see that there were some deep hurts that were causing these barriers to come up, especially as certain classes started uncovering some of these areas. We mentioned it in our staff meeting and a couple of people expressed their desire to talk with him sometime during the week, asking prayer for that, to see if we could work through some of these issues.
During the Santa Cena (communion) in the evening we reflected a bit on the power of silence using the verse Psalm 46:10 as a guide, "Be still and know that I am God." Several of the students shared about their experiences. Some were just some practical insights about realizing how much we talk sometimes, trying to be the center of attention. One student shared about how he was impacted we ought to need there is to use our words for sharing the Gospel, the importance of evangelism. One of our older students mentioned how he just enjoyed the day (probably the only one who actually enjoyed it!) Another student shared how sometimes we use words or activities to cover up things we are dealing with but in the silence we are forced to face some of these things as we are "alone" with our thoughts. One student's thoughts, though, were a particular highlight. The very student that we were praying for and had expressed concern for, shared that he came to realize some of these very things that had been weighing him down for a long time, and how God spoke to him powerfully through the day, bringing freedom and joy where had been chains for so long. The very things that we were praying for, God brought about in his life without needing our personal intervention at all!
I could share more about our day yesterday for the purpose of evangelism, one of the main themes over the past two weeks here taught by Benito (whom many of you know, is working up in Arizpe with the church and future Rehab Center), and some awesome ways in which God moved. But I think we'll save some of these stories for later.
Please keep praying for us. "For the word of God is alive and active," says Hebrews 4:12. As the students continue studying the Word, pray that there would continue to be soft hearts as they respond to it. Pray for us as well that we would have the wisdom, discernment, and energy to keep building into their lives! ¡Dios les bendiga!
As part of the Spiritual Disciplines class that focussed on Solitude, we discussed and put into practice the experience of silence - reflecting on how we use our words and also by being in silence for a day, learning to listen for God's voice more clearly. Beginning with the first class at 9:00 all took part in a day of silence - no use of the voice with the exception of the teachers, of course, during their class. Meals were interesting, and of course eaten rather quickly as there was not much else to do but eat! The whole day was spent in silence until after supper when we celebrated communion together.
As leaders we met during the day for our weekly staff meeting (yes, we did break our vows of silence for that period!) to cover basic issues that come up, share with each other things that are going on, etc. We noted some particular concerns concerning some students, areas where we saw needs for growth and healing, etc. In particular we noted one of the students, whom one of our teachers has known for years, and has come through some very difficult things in his life. We had seen him in the last couple of days especially putting up barriers in various ways, in classes, and in relationships, and just in general. Knowing a little about his past we could see that there were some deep hurts that were causing these barriers to come up, especially as certain classes started uncovering some of these areas. We mentioned it in our staff meeting and a couple of people expressed their desire to talk with him sometime during the week, asking prayer for that, to see if we could work through some of these issues.
During the Santa Cena (communion) in the evening we reflected a bit on the power of silence using the verse Psalm 46:10 as a guide, "Be still and know that I am God." Several of the students shared about their experiences. Some were just some practical insights about realizing how much we talk sometimes, trying to be the center of attention. One student shared about how he was impacted we ought to need there is to use our words for sharing the Gospel, the importance of evangelism. One of our older students mentioned how he just enjoyed the day (probably the only one who actually enjoyed it!) Another student shared how sometimes we use words or activities to cover up things we are dealing with but in the silence we are forced to face some of these things as we are "alone" with our thoughts. One student's thoughts, though, were a particular highlight. The very student that we were praying for and had expressed concern for, shared that he came to realize some of these very things that had been weighing him down for a long time, and how God spoke to him powerfully through the day, bringing freedom and joy where had been chains for so long. The very things that we were praying for, God brought about in his life without needing our personal intervention at all!
I could share more about our day yesterday for the purpose of evangelism, one of the main themes over the past two weeks here taught by Benito (whom many of you know, is working up in Arizpe with the church and future Rehab Center), and some awesome ways in which God moved. But I think we'll save some of these stories for later.
Please keep praying for us. "For the word of God is alive and active," says Hebrews 4:12. As the students continue studying the Word, pray that there would continue to be soft hearts as they respond to it. Pray for us as well that we would have the wisdom, discernment, and energy to keep building into their lives! ¡Dios les bendiga!
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Week Two
Week 2 has officially's hard to believe that week one is already in the books. I know it's a little premature to be thinking about the end of the course, as we've just begun but that first week went by like a whirlwind!
In all honesty, it has been one of the hungriest groups of students that we have seen. Last week we had the opportunity to hear their testimonies, after we as staff shared our own - seeing God's hand in each one of their lives as many of them came from unspeakable pasts and have seen God's transforming power. The result has been a group of people hungry to learn from God's Word. As a teacher, there can't be a greater audience to cater to when those listening are sitting there like thirsty and hungry sponges. We've just got to keep on our knees so that the supply can keep flowing from the source!
We have been blessed with a great group of 12 students, coming from a variety of places - one local student from the neighbouring town of Empalme, a number from the city of Hermosillo, a little more than an hour away, a couple from Veracruz (the complete opposite end of Mexico), and the rest from somewhere in between.
Another neat dynamic is that we have 4 people from a Venezuelan tribe who have come and are working together with an New Tribes Mission missionary checking over the translation of two books, 2 Corinthians and Colossians into their own native tribe. They are staying in the dorms with the students and spending the next number of weeks working on the translation.
We desperately covet your prayers not only for us as leaders but also for the students. More than just classroom learning we desire to see change in their lives as God works in them, speaking Truth and revealing Himself. You throw into the mix all of us, students and teachers, from different backgrounds, experiences, denominations, personalities, etc. spending a majority of their time together in limited space and well, you get the idea where this goes! Opportunities for character building!
Personally, I have had the opportunity to teach some of the material that I have taught in the past, teaching three or four times a week. I covet your prayers that God would speak through these classes - that it would not be my words but His.
Keep on praying! We have sensed the prayers of many as this semester has begun. ¡Dios les bendiga!
In all honesty, it has been one of the hungriest groups of students that we have seen. Last week we had the opportunity to hear their testimonies, after we as staff shared our own - seeing God's hand in each one of their lives as many of them came from unspeakable pasts and have seen God's transforming power. The result has been a group of people hungry to learn from God's Word. As a teacher, there can't be a greater audience to cater to when those listening are sitting there like thirsty and hungry sponges. We've just got to keep on our knees so that the supply can keep flowing from the source!
We have been blessed with a great group of 12 students, coming from a variety of places - one local student from the neighbouring town of Empalme, a number from the city of Hermosillo, a little more than an hour away, a couple from Veracruz (the complete opposite end of Mexico), and the rest from somewhere in between.
Another neat dynamic is that we have 4 people from a Venezuelan tribe who have come and are working together with an New Tribes Mission missionary checking over the translation of two books, 2 Corinthians and Colossians into their own native tribe. They are staying in the dorms with the students and spending the next number of weeks working on the translation.
We desperately covet your prayers not only for us as leaders but also for the students. More than just classroom learning we desire to see change in their lives as God works in them, speaking Truth and revealing Himself. You throw into the mix all of us, students and teachers, from different backgrounds, experiences, denominations, personalities, etc. spending a majority of their time together in limited space and well, you get the idea where this goes! Opportunities for character building!
Personally, I have had the opportunity to teach some of the material that I have taught in the past, teaching three or four times a week. I covet your prayers that God would speak through these classes - that it would not be my words but His.
Keep on praying! We have sensed the prayers of many as this semester has begun. ¡Dios les bendiga!
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