Vida en Mexico

Monday, October 19, 2015

New Heights

Mid October is always a welcome time in San Carlos! It typically means the tides of weather have finally taken a turn from super hot to just comfortably hot (and yes, the evenings cool off to a nice mid 20's!) It really is one of the nicer times of year. It also means that the next school term is coming up but before that, there's a few current as well as up and coming things taking place.


Many of you have been involved in making the second story above the dining hall come together and for that we are very thankful! The work is rapidly coming under way as you can see below:

The second story features a teacher's suite with a kitchen/living room area and the remainder of the story has 6 bedrooms, 2 washrooms and a common area that can be doubled up as a smaller classroom. The extra room will be important as we plan ahead for the years to come and even for this coming year, the way things are looking! Our intention had been to begin a second term this year, inviting back students who had already gone through the first term however we as a staff came to the decision within the last month that we didn't sense that this was the year to do it just yet. Also, there's been a significant amount of interest in the first year program, with about 16 interested students already, several of whom have already paid their deposit. Perhaps that doesn't sound amazing but for anyone familiar with how things tend to go here, that is miles ahead of where we have been in the past years!

So we are exciting looking ahead to this year. 16 would be the largest class that we have had to date. 20 students would be the maximum that we would want. So pray for these students and any other prospective students, that God would bring those who He wants to be here!


Another exciting opportunity, just around the corner, is that we will be hosting a Missions module beginning this coming weekend. 11 students from Millar College will be down here for a two week, two credit hour missions course where we will be doing some teaching as well as some hands on outreach work in the local area. It is a new opportunity, something that we have not done before and it has been an exciting challenge to put together. Stepping into new ground is always intimidating and exciting knowing that God is going before us. It will be something new to be teaching in English and encouraging the students who come not only in their walk with God but also with what it looks like to serve Him in a different culture. Please pray for the students coming and also for us as we prepare. There will be several of us teaching and we will also be plugging into various local ministries to give the students some hands opportunities to serve.

As always I want to express how valued your support is! Your prayers literally carry us. Pray for us over these next three weeks with the Millar group here; they will be arriving Oct 24th and heading out Nov 7th. God bless!