4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:4-6)
The beginning part of this week myself, Jorge a fellow coworker in the school as well as a local pastor headed out on a road trip to connect with some churches in a city called Agua Prieta, about 5 hours northeast from here. The pastor, Pastor Efren, had a number of connections out there and was our tour guide and bridge builder in that area. Along the way we picked up a couple of past students, Benny from the rehab center in Arizpe as well as pastor Abelardo, who studied with us this past term. The goal was to share with pastors in that area the vision of the school.
As is so often the case, our plans quickly fell apart as our first scheduled appointment fell through. Our plan was to arrive Monday afternoon to speak to the alliance of pastors in Agua Prieta that evening, anticipating 40 to 50 people. Sure enough as we arrive we find out that the meeting had been postponed till Saturday, more time than we had to stick around. Not to fear, though, as Proverbs says, "a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." (Prov. 16:9) As the following days unfolded, perhaps we did not meet with the quantity of pastors that we had hoped for but God lead us to make some awesome connections, people who were excited about the vision and the possibility of sending leaders to be prepared by the school.
There was one overwhelming theme that arose in all of our conversations with the different pastors: we are one body. One of the obstacles we face as a school at times is the barrier set up by different denominations. Being a nondenominational school, we sense at times these barriers that exist between different bodies of believers. Its not to say that correct doctrine and teaching are not important, but unfortunately, the doctrinal points that often separate us as believers represent perhaps a mere 5% of our beliefs, and more often than not, that 5% represents things that are not essential to our salvation. Please here me out here because there is a rising belief in the world today that says that there are many ways to God as long as we believe it wholeheartedly. This couldn't be further from the Truth! But what I am getting at is seeing the Church as God sees it, not as a bunch of different groups separated by often minute differences in their beliefs but as one church, one body. Over these past couple of days we had the pleasure of meeting pastors who shared this same vision for the Church.
Ok, please hear me out one more time! What's on my heart is not anti-denominational. In fact, different denominations have through the years been powerful organizations that have accomplished much through global missions, have brought much needed corrections or realignments to poor teachings, things like that. But if these things define us before our relationship with Christ defines us, and we can't see our brothers and sisters in Christ for who they are, let along work together with them, then I don't think our vision of the Church lines up with how God sees it.
What was encouraging to see over the past days were pastors who were in fact working together, doing things together, reaching out in evangelism together, some being a part of a denomination, others not, but all working together as one body. And as we shared with these pastors our desire to buildup and equip leaders regardless of their denominational affiliation, they too were excited.
Despite the change of plans, we believe that God accomplished what He wanted to in this journey. We are anticipating a call shortly as the leaders of the alliance of churches in Agua Prieta are wanting to have us come back and share with all of the churches in the alliance what the school is about. We made connections with other potential students and pastors in other communities as well and may even have an opportunity to return to the area to do a shorter, two week mini-course in the area for people who perhaps cannot commit to the full 14 week course we have in San Carlos. We trust that God truly did determine our steps according to His perfect plan.
Thanks to those who were praying and continue to pray for us and especially for those whom God would send our way for the coming school term in January. Meanwhile we continue in preparation, planning for the coming year, and praying about an expansion to the facilities to accommodate more students as well as a second school term. Thanks to all you prayer warriors!