Vida en Mexico

Monday, January 12, 2015

Day One

We're coming to the end of the first 12 hours with our new students, some having arrived already yesterday evening and the rest showing up this morning.  We have 7 students so far with another two possibly on the way hopefully within the next couple of days (pray that all would fall into place for them to make it here si Dios quiere, if God so desires!)  What a wonderful group of students so far!  I apologize for no pictures, they will be forthcoming soon!

Today was spent in orientation, laying down some of the structure of the schools, expectations, all those typical first day activities.  Later on in the afternoon as staff we took some time to share our stories, how we came to know Christ and also how we came to be serving at the school.  It's always hard to gauge things on the first day but by every indication that we see so far, we have an excellent group of students, whose hearts are clearly to serve the Lord and with a deep passion to learn.  One young couple comes from the southeast end of the country, close to Veracruz, having spent several days on bus to get out here.  They come with two young children, 2 years and less than 1 year, I believe.  A pastor has joined us from a church up in the mountains northeast of us, about 4 hours away.  Another young man has come who is from Honduras originally but has spent the last 10 years here in Mexico and the last year or so as a believer.  He has a tremendous testimony of how God rescued him from a past in drug addiction.  Another three young people come from a local church in Guaymas whom had been a part of the conferences that we had earlier this fall.  We are hoping that a pastor's wife from neighbouring Emplame as well as an older man who has regular services in his home in Hermosillo will be able to take care of some business concerns and show up in the next day or two.

As first days typically go, everyone was relatively reserved and quiet but everyone has come with a passion to serve the Lord and a desire to grow and learn to be able to be more effective in their ministries.  As a staff we are super excited to finally step out of planning mode into action.

Tomorrow is my debut in teaching a new course, Spiritual Disciplines.  God has been placing on my heart not just the material and focus for the course but in my life personally, this deep need we have to send our roots down deep into Him.  Our relationship with Him is so very important and vital, something that needs to be so central in our lives.  Reading through the Psalms or through some of Paul's writings one can hear these very things and it makes me realize how far I have yet to go!  Pray for me as I teach; I'm thankful that it's the Holy Spirit who is the actual present Teacher and I just pray that He would speak through those classes exactly what each of the students need to hear!

Thanks for your prayers!