It's been a busy stretch to say the least and I believe I've shared this with some of you but the countdown is on till I head up north for several weeks to be with family and friends, August 12th till the beginning of September. (Yep, looking forward to it, and not just to escape this wonderful heat wave!)
But before we get to that I want to share about some new opportunities that came our way last week, and it looks like might be doors opening to new avenues of ministry for the school. This all came together quickly as one of our teachers, Pastor Guillermo, got in contact with a pastor in Imuris (yes, the town close to the border along the highway that comes down to San Carlos, the one many of you have stopped at for those amazing carne asada tacos!). They were very interested in having us come out and do a 2 day workshop, just looking for some encouragement. It quickly together and we headed out there last week Thursday and Friday, while our contact there made arrangements with local pastors and church leaders to come out. The purpose on our end was three-fold: make some new connecting in a new area, be an encouragement to those out there, and also share about the ministry of the school.
The pastor who we connected with out there actually runs an orphanage - with a local church gathering that has grown out of their ministry. We pulled in Wednesday evening to join them in their evening church service and then got at it Thursday morning. Each of us, Jorge, Guillermo and myself took two workshops, sharing first of all about the program that we offer at the school, and then also sessions featuring material from the classes we taught. Our topics covered evangelism, the book of Acts, Spiritual Disciplines, and finally we finished off with a personal challenge from a short class that we generally finish of the school term with,
The Calvary Way, which is really an encouragement to deal with sin in our lives in whatever form it is so that Christ can fill us and shine throw us more brightly. The two days finished of Friday afternoon with a personal challenge by Jorge and an opportunity to write whatever sins or issues that people might be dealing with on a little post-it note and stick it on a cross.
The Orphanage were the conference was held - El Reino de los Niños |
During a workshop |
It was such an encouraging time for both us and them as we made some new connections, and also met 3 couples who are very interested in coming to the winter school term!
The entire group, about 25 in all plus us. |
One particularly encouraging connection we made was with a young man, Alejandro, who had actually grown up in the small fishing community where Guillermo pastors. Alejandro had grown up involved in the lifestyle of drugs and Guillermo had on many occasions witnessed to him and encourage him to give his life over to Christ. This was always met with resistance and even anger. Alejandro ended up leaving El Choyudo a couple of years ago and the Lord got a hold of his life. He is now serving at this orphanage, with a passion for missions, to reach some of the remote native people in southern Mexico. This was the first time that Guillermo had seen him since he came to the Lord and time and time again he couldn't believe the transformation that had taken place in his life. Alejandro, with his wife and three young children are one of the three couples very interested in coming to school this winter.
Alejandro - a potential student for this coming year |
It seems as though God has been opening up opportunities beyond the four walls of the school - opportunities for ministry as well as an effective way to get the word out about what we do at CEC. We are encouraged to see people like this, not caught up within their own denominations, people who are hungry for the Word, and faithfully serving Him. As I have mentioned earlier, we are looking forward to another opportunity, this time a little longer in a small town about 6 hours south of here, spending up to two weeks with local church leaders, sharing some teaching with them.
Yes, in one week I'll be on Canadian soil again, but it seems there's no shortage of things to get done before then! Here's a couple of prayer items you can keep in mind in the coming week:
* Youth Retreat - we are hosting a youth retreat at the school and church, approximately 150 youth (not run by us but rather local churches and we are providing the housing and food). It should be a good time! Pray for God to move in the lives of these youth!
* Preaching - this Sunday I get the opportunity to share with the congregation of SCCC. Pray for me as I prepare - it seems that time has been a rare commodity but I have a sense of what God wants me to speak on. Pray that it's only His words that are communicated!
* Course preparation - we have an opportunity to host a 2 credit hour missions course (really it's a missions trip with some teaching time) to a group of 12 students from Millar College in Canada, in October but preparations are already under way - pray that God would lead us as we prepare for not only the teaching but for the opportunities to serve.
As always, thanks! For those who were prayer during the conferences last week, we definitely sensed your prayers covering that time. They are so valuable. God bless!