Vida en Mexico

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Millar Missions Mod

What an incredible couple of weeks. Yesterday (Saturday) I dropped the group off at the Phoenix Airport, 11 Millar College of the Bible Students and 3 "old guys." We had spent the past 13 days in San Carlos in a Missions modular course where we spent some time in the classroom and also time out on the field learning from other missions, churches and missionaries. We trust and pray (and I believe we can confidently say) that God used this time to shape them in their understanding of what missions is, whether it be in a short-term setting or a long term commitment, but maybe even more importantly we saw how God used them and worked in them as they served so willingly alongside our Mexican brothers and sisters. There's a couple of things that stick out in my mind.

Guaymas Norte

The first took place last Saturday as we had arranged from the group to work alongside Jorge & Angelica, teachers at CEC who have spent the last year in an outreach in a small part of Guaymas, working particularly with kids. In the morning we visited some people in particular need, giving them a food hamper and spending some time praying for them. In the afternoon the kids were invited to the local park where Jorge & Angelica have a weekly kids club with them.  The park had become overrun with weeds due to lots of rain recently and the task was to work together with them to clean it up.

Before - the park where they regularly have the kids club.

Though the idea of renting weed eaters was mentioned we decided to work with the same tools as the people there would have - giving up efficiency to engage in the task (quite INEFFICIENTLY!) but much more RELATIONAL. What happened was not only exciting to see but probably one of the greatest testimonies to that community. The group started with about 6 children helping. By the time it was done, there were over 20 children working alongside them.

The crew at work
Getting ready to work.
The swings repaired and playground equipment repainted.

The nearly finished product!
But not only that, as they worked, some adults started coming out of their houses to see what these "gringos" were up to. By the end several of them had come out too and were working together. As we talked with some of them later they were deeply moved by this expression of love towards them and their community. But what was particularly awesome to see was not even so much what was accomplished as HOW it was accomplished, working side by side and building relationship. Sure, the "task" at hand didn't get finished (though they cleaned out a significant part of the park to make it usable again) but perhaps the much more important task of connecting with people was more than accomplished!

El Choyudo

One other opportunity that stands out took place during the overnight trip we took with the students to El Choyudo where Pastor Guillermo (who is part of our teaching staff) lives.  On our second day there God opened up an incredible door for Pastor Guillermo through the local elementary school (grades 1 through 6).  He already had a good relationship with the director of the school and asked him if the students could come and use the outdoor shaded cement pad to have a somewhat informal kids club with the children, right after school was out.  His answer was nothing short of a miracle as he suggested that we come instead and take the two last hours of class, knowing that the group would be sharing a message from the Bible.  To understand the significance of that you need to realize how in Mexico there are strict laws separating church and state - what he was allowing was something that could get him into a lot of trouble in the community and even with the law.  And not only that, as the Catholic church is so strong even here in El Choyudo, to give this opportunity to a Christian, Evangelical pastor was nothing short of amazing.

The students took the opportunity first having some fun with the kids:

And they shared the Gospel message along with one of the students sharing a short testimony of how God had worked in their life - his own prodigal son story.

Sharing the Gospel
The Gospel message was so clearly preached and the director of the school was excited to have it take place.  He took several of us on a tour of the school and at the end invited the group to come back anytime!  Pastor Guillermo was so excited to see how God and opened the doors for these students.  He shared with us how he as a young man in El Choyudo had heard the Gospel message shared by some young people from Canada in a very similar fashion.  He didn't turn to the Lord until he was 19, but he shared how those seeds were planted in his life and we pray that these seeds were planted as the students had a chance to share some love with these kids and the Gospel message.

En Fin...

To say that only the students (hopefully!) were impacted during this time, and also those whom they ministered with and minister too, wouldn't be a complete picture of all that God accomplished.  As refreshing as it was to see what God did through them and in them, it was encouraging and challenging personally to go back to the Word and see what the mission that we have all been given, the Great Commission, is all about.  It was a privilege to be able to share with the students what this responsibility looks like in class and on the field but it was also a renewed personal challenge for me in what our calling is.  The Gospel is so much more than just an idea, or a set of beliefs.  Ultimately the Gospel is a Person, Jesus and our call is not to teach people about the Gospel as much as introduce people to a Person: making disciples is about making people excited to follow Him!  

Thanks for all of the many prayers that have covered these past two weeks!  God worked through them powerfully!  Thanks also to the many hands that were a significant part of this time.  Dios les bendiga!

Monday, October 19, 2015

New Heights

Mid October is always a welcome time in San Carlos! It typically means the tides of weather have finally taken a turn from super hot to just comfortably hot (and yes, the evenings cool off to a nice mid 20's!) It really is one of the nicer times of year. It also means that the next school term is coming up but before that, there's a few current as well as up and coming things taking place.


Many of you have been involved in making the second story above the dining hall come together and for that we are very thankful! The work is rapidly coming under way as you can see below:

The second story features a teacher's suite with a kitchen/living room area and the remainder of the story has 6 bedrooms, 2 washrooms and a common area that can be doubled up as a smaller classroom. The extra room will be important as we plan ahead for the years to come and even for this coming year, the way things are looking! Our intention had been to begin a second term this year, inviting back students who had already gone through the first term however we as a staff came to the decision within the last month that we didn't sense that this was the year to do it just yet. Also, there's been a significant amount of interest in the first year program, with about 16 interested students already, several of whom have already paid their deposit. Perhaps that doesn't sound amazing but for anyone familiar with how things tend to go here, that is miles ahead of where we have been in the past years!

So we are exciting looking ahead to this year. 16 would be the largest class that we have had to date. 20 students would be the maximum that we would want. So pray for these students and any other prospective students, that God would bring those who He wants to be here!


Another exciting opportunity, just around the corner, is that we will be hosting a Missions module beginning this coming weekend. 11 students from Millar College will be down here for a two week, two credit hour missions course where we will be doing some teaching as well as some hands on outreach work in the local area. It is a new opportunity, something that we have not done before and it has been an exciting challenge to put together. Stepping into new ground is always intimidating and exciting knowing that God is going before us. It will be something new to be teaching in English and encouraging the students who come not only in their walk with God but also with what it looks like to serve Him in a different culture. Please pray for the students coming and also for us as we prepare. There will be several of us teaching and we will also be plugging into various local ministries to give the students some hands opportunities to serve.

As always I want to express how valued your support is! Your prayers literally carry us. Pray for us over these next three weeks with the Millar group here; they will be arriving Oct 24th and heading out Nov 7th. God bless!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Open Doors

It's been a busy stretch to say the least and I believe I've shared this with some of you but the countdown is on till I head up north for several weeks to be with family and friends, August 12th till the beginning of September. (Yep, looking forward to it, and not just to escape this wonderful heat wave!)

But before we get to that I want to share about some new opportunities that came our way last week, and it looks like might be doors opening to new avenues of ministry for the school.  This all came together quickly as one of our teachers, Pastor Guillermo, got in contact with a pastor in Imuris (yes, the town close to the border along the highway that comes down to San Carlos, the one many of you have stopped at for those amazing carne asada tacos!).  They were very interested in having us come out and do a 2 day workshop, just looking for some encouragement.  It quickly together and we headed out there last week Thursday and Friday, while our contact there made arrangements with local pastors and church leaders to come out.  The purpose on our end was three-fold: make some new connecting in a new area, be an encouragement to those out there, and also share about the ministry of the school.

The pastor who we connected with out there actually runs an orphanage - with a local church gathering that has grown out of their ministry.  We pulled in Wednesday evening to join them in their evening church service and then got at it Thursday morning.  Each of us, Jorge, Guillermo and myself took two workshops, sharing first of all about the program that we offer at the school, and then also sessions featuring material from the classes we taught.  Our topics covered evangelism, the book of Acts, Spiritual Disciplines, and finally we finished off with a personal challenge from a short class that we generally finish of the school term with, The Calvary Way, which is really an encouragement to deal with sin in our lives in whatever form it is so that Christ can fill us and shine throw us more brightly.  The two days finished of Friday afternoon with a personal challenge by Jorge and an opportunity to write whatever sins or issues that people might be dealing with on a little post-it note and stick it on a cross.

The Orphanage were the conference was held - El Reino de los Niños

During a workshop

It was such an encouraging time for both us and them as we made some new connections, and also met 3 couples who are very interested in coming to the winter school term!

The entire group, about 25 in all plus us.
One particularly encouraging connection we made was with a young man, Alejandro, who had actually grown up in the small fishing community where Guillermo pastors.  Alejandro had grown up involved in the lifestyle of drugs and Guillermo had on many occasions witnessed to him and encourage him to give his life over to Christ.  This was always met with resistance and even anger.  Alejandro ended up leaving El Choyudo a couple of years ago and the Lord got a hold of his life.  He is now serving at this orphanage, with a passion for missions, to reach some of the remote native people in southern Mexico.  This was the first time that Guillermo had seen him since he came to the Lord and time and time again he couldn't believe the transformation that had taken place in his life.  Alejandro, with his wife and three young children are one of the three couples very interested in coming to school this winter.

Alejandro - a potential student for this coming year
It seems as though God has been opening up opportunities beyond the four walls of the school - opportunities for ministry as well as an effective way to get the word out about what we do at CEC.  We are encouraged to see people like this, not caught up within their own denominations, people who are hungry for the Word, and faithfully serving Him.  As I have mentioned earlier, we are looking forward to another opportunity, this time a little longer in a small town about 6 hours south of here, spending up to two weeks with local church leaders, sharing some teaching with them.

Yes, in one week I'll be on Canadian soil again, but it seems there's no shortage of things to get done before then!  Here's a couple of prayer items you can keep in mind in the coming week:
          * Youth Retreat - we are hosting a youth retreat at the school and church, approximately 150 youth (not run by us but rather local churches and we are providing the housing and food).  It should be a good time!  Pray for God to move in the lives of these youth!
          * Preaching - this Sunday I get the opportunity to share with the congregation of SCCC.  Pray for me as I prepare - it seems that time has been a rare commodity but I have a sense of what God wants me to speak on.  Pray that it's only His words that are communicated!
          * Course preparation - we have an opportunity to host a 2 credit hour missions course (really it's a missions trip with some teaching time) to a group of 12 students from Millar College in Canada, in October but preparations are already under way - pray that God would lead us as we prepare for not only the teaching but for the opportunities to serve.

As always, thanks!  For those who were prayer during the conferences last week, we definitely sensed your prayers covering that time.  They are so valuable.  God bless!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

One Church

There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:4-6)

The beginning part of this week myself, Jorge a fellow coworker in the school as well as a local pastor headed out on a road trip to connect with some churches in a city called Agua Prieta, about 5 hours northeast from here.  The pastor, Pastor Efren, had a number of connections out there and was our tour guide and bridge builder in that area.  Along the way we picked up a couple of past students, Benny from the rehab center in Arizpe as well as pastor Abelardo, who studied with us this past term.  The goal was to share with pastors in that area the vision of the school.

As is so often the case, our plans quickly fell apart as our first scheduled appointment fell through.  Our plan was to arrive Monday afternoon to speak to the alliance of pastors in Agua Prieta that evening, anticipating 40 to 50 people.  Sure enough as we arrive we find out that the meeting had been postponed till Saturday, more time than we had to stick around.  Not to fear, though, as Proverbs says, "a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." (Prov. 16:9)  As the following days unfolded, perhaps we did not meet with the quantity of pastors that we had hoped for but God lead us to make some awesome connections, people who were excited about the vision and the possibility of sending leaders to be prepared by the school.

There was one overwhelming theme that arose in all of our conversations with the different pastors: we are one body.  One of the obstacles we face as a school at times is the barrier set up by different denominations.  Being a nondenominational school, we sense at times these barriers that exist between different bodies of believers.  Its not to say that correct doctrine and teaching are not important, but unfortunately, the doctrinal points that often separate us as believers represent perhaps a mere 5% of our beliefs, and more often than not, that 5% represents things that are not essential to our salvation.  Please here me out here because there is a rising belief in the world today that says that there are many ways to God as long as we believe it wholeheartedly.  This couldn't be further from the Truth!  But what I am getting at is seeing the Church as God sees it, not as a bunch of different groups separated by often minute differences in their beliefs but as one church, one body.  Over these past couple of days we had the pleasure of meeting pastors who shared this same vision for the Church.

Ok, please hear me out one more time!  What's on my heart is not anti-denominational.  In fact, different denominations have through the years been powerful organizations that have accomplished much through global missions, have brought much needed corrections or realignments to poor teachings, things like that.  But if these things define us before our relationship with Christ defines us, and we can't see our brothers and sisters in Christ for who they are, let along work together with them, then I don't think our vision of the Church lines up with how God sees it.

What was encouraging to see over the past days were pastors who were in fact working together, doing things together, reaching out in evangelism together, some being a part of a denomination, others not, but all working together as one body.  And as we shared with these pastors our desire to buildup and equip leaders regardless of their denominational affiliation, they too were excited.

Despite the change of plans, we believe that God accomplished what He wanted to in this journey.  We are anticipating a call shortly as the leaders of the alliance of churches in Agua Prieta are wanting to have us come back and share with all of the churches in the alliance what the school is about.  We made connections with other potential students and pastors in other communities as well and may even have an opportunity to return to the area to do a shorter, two week mini-course in the area for people who perhaps cannot commit to the full 14 week course we have in San Carlos.  We trust that God truly did determine our steps according to His perfect plan.

Thanks to those who were praying and continue to pray for us and especially for those whom God would send our way for the coming school term in January.  Meanwhile we continue in preparation, planning for the coming year, and praying about an expansion to the facilities to accommodate more students as well as a second school term.  Thanks to all you prayer warriors!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

New Opportunities

Though it's only been just about a month since the students have left, everything is moving full speed ahead as we look forward to what the rest of this year brings and even next year already. This past week was especially neat as we had the chance to get to know some wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ from the mountains, actually from some rather remote indigenous villages, a people group called the Guarijillo. They live about a six hour drive from here in a town call Guajarai. Though a number came from this village, others came from villages relatively close by. Guajarai has access by road, though the last hour or so is rather rough. The other villages however have access on foot only (or mule if you're carrying a lot of stuff!) A previous team made the journey out to these villages to reach out to the people and encourage those who are believers there. Out of that journey, the idea for this past week was born and there ended up being about 45 men, women and children who came out to San Carlos for a getaway and a spiritual retreat. The believers in these villages had expressed an earnest desire to grow in Christ but the leaders in particular expressed their desire (and had been praying for) some type of encouragement spiritually. This trip came together with the help of a number of ministries and local churches.

The group on the bus on the way to San Carlos

The group spent seven days at Casa de Esperanza in San Carlos and for a number of those who came, this was the first time being any further than Guajarai. For many seeing the ocean was a new experience. God put it on someone's heart to find a way to take this group out on the ocean in a couple of boats, also a first for many. God put the cherry on top by giving them their own personal dolphin show as they were out there, and a number of dolphins made an appearance. By far though the highlight was just getting to know these brothers and sisters, spending time with them and seeing their desire to grow in their relationship with the Lord.

One of the first believers in the communities, as the group is out on the boats
The women treating us to fresh made corn tortillas

How do we as a school fit into this you might be asking? Each morning different people were brought in to share with this group whatever God put on their heart, a time of teaching. As the school we took the first morning and myself along with Jorge, one of our main teachers at CEC, shared on Galatians 2:20, on crucifying our SELF so that Christ can pour his life into us and through us. During the rest of the week, different pastors from different churches in the area shared whatever God laid on their hearts. The people where so open and receptive to all that was shared.

Jorge and myself during the teaching time

What is particularly exciting about their time here was that the church leaders who came, representing three different commmunities in the area expressed interest in some extended training time. As we met with those leaders, they were excited at the prospect of receiving some more extended training and teaching. As great as it would to have them come to study at CEC, it just isn't feasable for many of them. So, the idea was proposed to spend a couple of weeks in Guajarai, where the leadership in the different churches would meet and we would come out with several different teachers to give some foundational teaching, highlighting some of the topics we cover in our first year. Honestly, the idea of an "on the road" school has been something that has been on our minds over the past while. God seems to be bring this together and we are excited at the opportunity and to be whatever encouragement we can to this group of believers! Our plan is to head out there sometime in June to make some more arrangement, meet with the leaders, and put plans into place to hopefully see it happen sometime in October. It's exciting to see new opportunities like these! Pray with us as we plan and prepare to be a blessing to these wonderful brothers and sisters!

A couple of the men singing a song at the church in Fatima.  Each one of the local churches involved put together gifts of clothing and food to help out their Guarijillo brothers and sisters.  They ended up taking back two truckloads of stuff to blessing the churches and also their communities!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Spring Update

Spring is in the air! For many that means the end of the cold, white fluffy stuff. For us that means empty school halls and the heat waiting just around the corner! I've put together an update highlighting many of the awesome things that took place over the course of the past few months. Indeed the school halls are empty but it has been a blessing to see God work in the lives of these students. Read below or click here to view the update.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Halfway there!

Six weeks are gone, just like that!  We are almost at the halfway point and each week seems to be picking up more and more speed.  It's been quite a ride so far but all in all we are excited with the students that God has brought us and how we se Him at work in their lives!  Before I go any further, read up on our students below or click here to view a write up of students.

It has been a fairly intense first month for myself with the majority of my teaching responsibility already taken care of.  For the first four weeks my role was taking the students through the different spiritual disciplines, focusing on their relationship with the Lord first and foremost.  Often the highlights of their experiences while at school are the "desert times" which take place once every other week.  They are an opportunity to get away from the routine of school, the constant noise of living in community, and to spend some extended one on one time with the Lord.  We literally take them out into the desert where they find a little bit of shade, their Bible, some water, and just spend several hours in prayer, meditating on the Word, and just listening to God's voice.

The students have come with such a hunger to learn and have been very receptive to each and every one of the classes.  They have mixed together so well, forming one solid group, with no one being left out.  We've seen them get excited in opening in the Word and learning how to study it more profoundly and indepthly, seeing what God has to say behind each word and detail.

For myself it has been a good challenge and a stretching experience being in class almost every day.  The first four weeks for myself were centred on the spiritual disciplines and last week I started into a course on music ministry.  As a foundation we took a look at the Old Testament Tabernacle to see what it looks like to approach God which later on we will build off of as we look at what it means to worship and how to lead others in worship.  I have to say that the process of teaching and daily being in the Word in preparation (and sensing deeply that inadequacy and need for God!) has been a good experience.  I know that some days I've leaned on Him more so than others, and those are always the days that go better!  As obvious and basic as this truth is, like Peter getting out of that boat, even though he had Jesus standing on the water in front of him, still got overwhelmed by the wind and the waves around him.  As challenging as these experiences are at times, what a great testament they are to His goodness, mercy and strength!

We as a staff are very excited with what we see happening.  Thanks for your prayers and keep praying for us.  As things have moved from the freshness of the first couple of weeks to the routine that naturally develops, pray for energy and strength for us as staff, for a continued freshness in the student's lives, in their relationships with the Lord and as they continue to study His Word, that it would shape not just their understanding but their hearts! ¡Dios les bendiga!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Day One

We're coming to the end of the first 12 hours with our new students, some having arrived already yesterday evening and the rest showing up this morning.  We have 7 students so far with another two possibly on the way hopefully within the next couple of days (pray that all would fall into place for them to make it here si Dios quiere, if God so desires!)  What a wonderful group of students so far!  I apologize for no pictures, they will be forthcoming soon!

Today was spent in orientation, laying down some of the structure of the schools, expectations, all those typical first day activities.  Later on in the afternoon as staff we took some time to share our stories, how we came to know Christ and also how we came to be serving at the school.  It's always hard to gauge things on the first day but by every indication that we see so far, we have an excellent group of students, whose hearts are clearly to serve the Lord and with a deep passion to learn.  One young couple comes from the southeast end of the country, close to Veracruz, having spent several days on bus to get out here.  They come with two young children, 2 years and less than 1 year, I believe.  A pastor has joined us from a church up in the mountains northeast of us, about 4 hours away.  Another young man has come who is from Honduras originally but has spent the last 10 years here in Mexico and the last year or so as a believer.  He has a tremendous testimony of how God rescued him from a past in drug addiction.  Another three young people come from a local church in Guaymas whom had been a part of the conferences that we had earlier this fall.  We are hoping that a pastor's wife from neighbouring Emplame as well as an older man who has regular services in his home in Hermosillo will be able to take care of some business concerns and show up in the next day or two.

As first days typically go, everyone was relatively reserved and quiet but everyone has come with a passion to serve the Lord and a desire to grow and learn to be able to be more effective in their ministries.  As a staff we are super excited to finally step out of planning mode into action.

Tomorrow is my debut in teaching a new course, Spiritual Disciplines.  God has been placing on my heart not just the material and focus for the course but in my life personally, this deep need we have to send our roots down deep into Him.  Our relationship with Him is so very important and vital, something that needs to be so central in our lives.  Reading through the Psalms or through some of Paul's writings one can hear these very things and it makes me realize how far I have yet to go!  Pray for me as I teach; I'm thankful that it's the Holy Spirit who is the actual present Teacher and I just pray that He would speak through those classes exactly what each of the students need to hear!

Thanks for your prayers!