Vida en Mexico

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

8 days, 1600 patients, 1000 Bibles, many stories!

Each year we have had the opportunity to host Rocky Mountain Ministries from Montana who put on a medical clinic here in San Carlos and surrounding area. For a total of 8 days we go to different locations and setup a clinic offering free medical care, medications, and reading glasses to all who came. By 10:00 am the clinic would be up and running and accepting patients. By the times the last tent came down on any given day anywhere from 200 to 250 people would have come through, either seeking medical attention or sporting a new pair of reading glasses.

Though it is rewarding to see so many physical needs met from people who just had bad colds to things more serious like a young woman who had appendicitis, the most rewarding part is to help meet the spiritual needs of the people. There was always a table setup, loaded up with Bibles and manned by people ready to pray, share, and speak to these deeper spiritual needs. Personally, this was the most exciting place to be! There was one woman who served in particular the entire week, Maria Jesus. She was rescued from a past of witchcraft and is now a powerful testimony for Christ, sharing boldly with anyone and everyone the truth of the Gospel.

I could share a number of stories, but one story jumps out in particular. Many times we pray in a situation like this that people would be drawn to this place, that people would see Christ in us and that they would sense His presence as they come. Well, God showed us the answer to that prayer in one man...I don't even remember his name! He approached our table and shared how he had once been a devout Christian but had walked away from the faith for the last number of years of his life. He shared how he had a gift of discernment and as he was walking in the street past the clinic he could see a light coming from this place. He could sense God's presence and knew that he needed to come and to give his life back to the Lord. So, with pleasure we prayed with him and for him, and could see the joy in his heart at having come back.

If you want to see a 20 minute video highlighting the week of medical clinics check out this video!

It's exciting to see God touch one life at a time and it's also exciting that we can be a part of that in His ordained time and way. Thanks to those who have been praying! I can't say it enough how you are an invaluable part of this ministry!

Dios te bendiga!