Vida en Mexico

Friday, April 27, 2018

And then there were none!

Exactly one week ago, our eight students headed out the door, a mixture of sadness in parting ways but also excitement for returning home with all that they have learned and experienced over the past 14 weeks.  This year we had students from all across the country as you can see in the map below, each one exhibiting in their own ways how God grew them in understanding and maturity.  It would be great if you could somehow capture a before/after picture of the change that takes place, because many of them you might not even recognize!

Every year its exciting to see how the students grow with the necessary tools and understanding of how to study the Bible, seeing it as the revelation of Christ.  Many come away deeply impacted by the reality of what grace is.  Of course we all say that we are saved by grace alone but many times our actions and attitudes betray a confidence in our own actions as well, apart from our faith.  Whether its faithful church attendance, regular devotional times, service, or whatever it may be, we often sense an obligation rather than a freedom.  But throughout all of Scriptures, right from the beginning of Genesis, God reveals His grace and mercy towards us; it culminates in the cross when Jesus cries out "It is finished!"  What more is there left to say or do?  Everything that flows out of this is not obligation but thankfulness and awe in what God has already accomplished for us.  Its aways exciting to see the transformation take place in each of the student's lives.

Perhaps the greatest test awaits them though!  We don't finish the year with any final exam; the emphasis is not in knowledge accumulated but rather in personal transformation.  Their passing grade is the changes that are made in every area of their lives.  The real exam began one week ago as they head on home.  We pray for them, that what they have not only learned but also experienced together, living in community, they would continue to live first of all in their families, then in their churches and communities.  The encouraging part though is that the secret was never about being at CEC or the teachers, or anything like that.  Rather, the secret is Christ Himself, and being in His Word.  They have the same access to the same source of Life itself wherever they're at!

Pray together with us for each one of them in the coming weeks and months.  Thank you for your continued prayers throughout the course - we would be lost without them.  ¡Dios les bendiga!