Vida en Mexico

Monday, December 18, 2017

The Countdown Begins

Instead of snow falling, it rained for several hours yesterday - it's been 10 years in Mexico, and probably for about 7 of those, I've spent Christmas in San Carlos - however, there's still something about not having snow at Christmas time that is hard to get used to! (No, I'm not complaining about not having snow, in case you're wondering! I know there's probably many who would gladly trade places with me...)

 Christmas time fast approaching does mean that our new school year is just around the corner as well with January 15 being the first day of classes. But before we get to that, I wanted to give a quick summary of the conference we had on November 25th. Close to 50 people, pastors and church leaders, gathered here from the area and other parts of the state of Sonora for a day of classes and fellowship as we explored the theme Adornos de un Siervo (Adornments of a Servant), looking at the list that Paul gave Timothy in 1 Timothy 3 about qualities that leaders need to have. We discussed each one of these qualities to get a greater understanding of what they ought to look like in our lives and how these will make us more effective as leaders: being changed first before being instruments of change in other people's lives. It is always a unique dynamic when people gather together from different Christian backgrounds and church denominations but it is also an encouraging and powerful experience, seeing the body of Christ fellowshipping in spite of the divisions that sometimes do exist between us. Thanks for your prayers as we had an excellent day and everyone when away encouraged.

Speaking of prayers, it would seem that there have been many who have been praying for the upcoming school year. I think we probably have a record of students all-but-confirmed for being one month out of classes starting. Often, at one month out, we are wondering "Is there going to be school this year?" as there are people interested but virtually no applications in. It's often not until the week before that we have a good idea of the students we will be working with. This year, we have 9 students pretty much confirmed, some having already filled in and sent their applications, others already having paid their tuition fees! We are super excited with the group that is forming, coming from 5 different states from the north to the south of Mexico.

Prospective students currently coming from these five states

Continue to pray with us as we make final preparations and confirm with students. There are a couple of details that need to fall into place with regards to teachers but almost everything is set to go. Thanks for your faithful prayers! We look forward to what God is putting together for this coming school year and I look forward to sharing it with you. ¡Dios les bendiga!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A November Update

It's been a little while and I wanted to share several things that have been going on and what's coming up in the next little bit down here in San Carlos.

Millar Missions Module

We had the chance to host for the second time a missions module for a Canadian Bible school, Millar College of the Bible's campus in BC.  Nine students joined us for a week and a half as we looked at various topics related to missions work and also spent some time in ministry and connecting with local churches and ministries.  This time around we had the pleasure of having with us a missions team who serves here in Mexico in the mountains, reaching a remote indigenous tribe with the gospel.  Various members of their team shared from their hearts and their experiences as missionaries as we covered topics such as cross-cultural issues, language barriers, one's personal walk with God, the call to missions, and much more.  What a pleasure to learn from those who are literally on the front lines, bringing the Gospel message to an unreached people group.

A neat mix of people: the students from Millar College, the group of missionaries, and also some of the indigenous people they are working with were able to come along as well.


As we look forward to the coming new year, getting teachers in place while connecting with prospective students, we're also planning a day-long conference here at CEC for the end of November.  It's a chance to reach out and encourage past students as well as local people in ministry.  It also provides an opportunity to give people a taste of what CEC is all about.  We will have two of our teachers sharing on the theme: Adornments of a Servant (It sounds better in Spanish!)  Based on 2 Timothy 2:1, we will be looking at what it means to "be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."  As Christian servants, we are called to be before we are called to serve; we want to take a look at both sides of this in a day of teaching and fellowship.  This theme really ties into what CEC is all about, not simply equipping people with tools but being transformed by them as well.  Pray for us as we prepare, and that this would be a significant time of fellowship with local church leaders.  There may even be some prospective students that come from this!

If you're interested in coming, let me know ASAP! ;)

School Season

Every year looks so different with students who come and even changes in staff.  Pray for the right students to come as we look ahead to January 15's start of the new school year.  At this point we have about 6 or 7 very interested students (which is perhaps ahead of schedule!)  We're not looking for quantity as much as wanting to have those students that will truly benefit from this time of studies.

Pray for us as a staff as well.  We have a great group of teachers and leaders.  The transient nature of our schedules and responsibilities brings its challenges as many of us are scattered across the continent for the majority of the year and only come together for the four months of the school term.  This always presents its difficulties as we make plans but we are excited for what God has in store for another year.  Please pray for us as we prepare!  We know that the stronger we are as a team, the greater our impact will be on the students.

Back in School

I'm not sure if I figured I had too much time on my hands (trying to remember when that was last actually the case...) but this fall I figured I'd try something new and different: go back to school!  More and more there is schooling being offered online and I wanted to see if it would work to take on one class at a time alongside of my current responsibilities.  So, this past September, I enrolled in Briercrest's Seminary class of Advanced Hermeneutics.  It has been very interesting and challenging but also an enjoyable experience to get back into the role of student (it was over 15 years ago since I was in Bible school...)  It has been a challenge to balance this along with everything else but it has also been very rewarding as well.  I just finished writing an exegetical paper this past week on Romans 6:1-11, looking at how Paul instructs us how to think as a believer: as someone who has already been fundamentally changed being united with Christ in faith, having our "old self" crucified and buried together with Christ, resulting in new life.  How we think about sin and how we live our lives ought to be completely different because we have been radically and fundamentally changed, being brought from death to life, just as Christ was.  (If anyone has some spare time and wants to read it, you can do so here.

Continued Prayers

Thanks so much for your continued prayers.  I'm looking at ways to keep you all better informed and would like to begin a Facebook group in addition to this blog, to be able to better keep you updated with quick little notes and prayer requests.  If you want to be sure to be a part of this group, please send me a note and let me know!  God bless you for your prayers and continued support!  ¡Dios les bendiga!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

School's In! (Almost...)

Those dreaded words for many as a kid..."School's starting!" have come and gone for many.  Fortunately for us those aren't dreaded words but exciting ones!  Also fortunate for us, we still have some time before school is in session.  We are heavily under way in confirming plans, teachers, schedules, and students for the quickly up and coming school term which begins in January.  I know it sounds like a ways away still but it is hard to believe that we're already closing in on the final months of this year!

Here's a couple of highlights as well as some up-and-coming things to take note of:


What a great time I had spending just over a month in Canada, having some time to rest, connect with many of you, share about what is going on down here in Mexico, and escaping a little bit of the San Carlos heat!  I had the privilege of driving up with a good friend of mine, Rafael, whom many of us know as "Junior", along with his family.  They spent the time with me at my parent's house while Junior, who had gotten to know a number of people in the Winkler area over the years, was invited to come out and connect with people who have been closely involved in supporting his families ministry efforts in Guaymas through children's ministry.  It's always a pleasure to connect with so many of you!

Foot Fracture

I have to say that having your ankle fractured is not all it's cracked up to be (yes, pun intended!)  Well, I suppose that no-one ever recommended it and I don't know that I would either!  However it does come with some benefits: such as mandated rest.  That might be the only one I can think of...perhaps the other would be a legitimate excuse to temporarily ditch the exercise program!  Seriously though, it has been a long and slow recovery with weekly, slow but steady improvements.  I still have discomfort and pain, especially if I'm on it too much but we're slowly making progress.  I am thankful, though, for the time it has allowed me to do what is often difficult to do: rest!  I was able to enjoy time reading, taking care of things on the computer, etc., things that I hadn't had time to do otherwise but needed to be done.  So thanks for those who have had to exercise patience with me in the meantime and for the many prayers!


One significant change over the course of this year is that one of our main administrators, Katie Dyck, is no longer with CEC.  She filled a big hole here and her absence means a fair bit more on my plate, along with others as well.  Part of those responsibilities is having a more hands-on role in planning the course schedule and being in communication with the teachers.  We are in that full force now as January seems to be just around the corner.  It is always a huge rompecabeza (literally "head-breaker!"), the Spanish word for puzzle, and I'm feeling it's effects!  Pray for direction and just for God's hand to be over all these details - we want it all to be for His glory in the lives of the students.  Oh yes, and pray for the prospective students as well!  Without them we would have nothing to do!


I'm coming back to Canada again!  I'm not sure how this worked out but I'm going to be tagging along with Benny (he's running a rehab center in Arizpe) who has been invited to come share about his ministry with a group of supporters in Minneapolis the end of September.  Because Winkler is so close, and because there are many of you who know him from the Winkler area, we are going to spend about a week there as well, connecting with many of you.  Our plan is to arrive in Winkler sometime on Sunday, Sept. 17th, spend the week there and leave for Minneapolis on Tuesday the 26th.  There are several engagements already planned and you are more than welcome to attend.  The following engagements are tentatively set for Sunday, Sept. 24th:

  • 9:15 AM - Sharing at Sunday school at the Blumenort Mennonite Church in Rosetown
  • 10:30 AM - Benny preaching at Bethel Bergthaler Church, south of Winkler
  • 7:00 PM - Benny, myself, and directors Howard & Susan Dyck sharing about the ministries down in Mexico: the school CEC and the rehab center Vida Nueva in Arizpe (see link)

Please come on out to any or all of these events!  Of course we will be around during the week prior if you want to grab a coffee!

Thanks so much for all the many prayers that are offered up for myself and for the ministries down here.  I don't know where we would be without them!  I'm looking forward to seeing many of you (again!)  ¡Dios les bendiga!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Thoughts from a Wandering Heart

Summer is in full swing here in San Carlos, which means a bit of a slower pace - thanks largely due to the temperatures in the mid-30's with high, HIGH humidity!  Preparations continue as we look ahead to the fall and the coming school year.  I'm packing my bags to spend some time in Manitoba over the next month and hope to see many of you over the next several weeks!  Here's some midsummer thoughts from this morning, some reflections from a wandering heart...see if you identify...

There’s something within our nature that pulls us towards complacency - at the very least spiritual complacency. I suppose it is simply our human nature - bent towards evil (which often looks innocent on the surface.)  But our tendency is to live without You, disregarding You, in isolation from You, essentially replacing You with any number of things other than You.  This has always been the error.

I believe that we are all deep pits, black holes with a tremendous appetite.  We consume and we consume because that was how we were made - not complete but empty, essentially lacking in and of ourselves.  There is a negative value of pressure, one that always pulls on the surrounding environment, sucking in whatever it can because of this deep void within us.  There is only one thing that can fill us to completion, to bring us to that point where we are no longer lacking but overflowing, but it is only You who fills us to that measure and only You who possibly can.  That’s how large and deep this void is within us.

The reality of our appetite does not often help us though discern what it is we really long for and really need.  So many things are offered to fill us up; so many things disappoint, and yet we continue in this quest, searching down mistaken paths.  Why does my appetite for You so easily get diverted to other things?  Why do other things hold such a sway over me sometimes?  Why am I content just to dabble at the edges rather than fully submerse myself in You?  It does not make sense, but once again our human nature was never known for its wisdom: our default gravitates away from You.

A part of the hymn Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing sums up this battle within us and how to respond to this grim situation: that what we truly need is the very thing our nature shuns.  What can we do?  What hope is there for this situation?  What can we do other than to cry to God for help?

Oh to grace, how great a debtor 
 Daily I’m constrained to be
 Let They goodness like a fetter 
 Bind my wandering heart to Thee

 Prone to wander, Lord I feel it
 Prone to leave the God I love
 Here’s my heart, oh take and seal it
 Seal it for Thy courts above!

What hope would we have would it not be for You?  What chance would we have if it would not be for Your grace and Your endless patience with us?  Where would we be if we had not found favour in Your eyes (favour alone by the cross of Christ!). But we find these things without measure, seemingly endless in their supply.  They do not run out because You do not have limits; they are infinite in magnitude because You are infinite in magnitude.  From Mount Zion, the perfection of beatify, God shines in glorious radiance! (Psalm 50:2)

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Keeping a Foot Up

It was one of those all too ironic situations that has lead to my need to, as the title of the blog says, "keep a foot up..." It all started innocently a week and a half ago, climbing a local hill or mountain (or somewhere in between) called Tetakawi. Yes, those of you who have visited San Carlos no doubt know exactly the one that I'm talking about - it hovers over the horizon of San Carlos, kind of a local landmark:

It's a 350m vertical climb with an amazing view of the ocean as well as of San Carlos:

The ocean on the left, San Carlos on the right in the distance.

It might be the fact that I grew up in Manitoba where the only escape from the flatness of the prairies was driving up the "Pembina Hills" (hills being a fairly generous term!) but I love being able to hike up and see the perspective that many of the hills here around San Carlos offer.

I've hiked Tetakawi many times over the years and had in fact been hiking it once a week for about a month and a half, and never with an incident.  That was about to change a week and a half ago!

As it turned out, as I was on the way down (after a gruelling hour-long ascent) I heard this cry for Auxilio (help) and sure enough I came across this young man who had fallen and was significantly injured - it didn't appear that he had broken any bones; he was able to move around but had been bleeding significantly from his head and was in need of help.  I couldn't get to him because of some cliffs between him and myself, though I was probably within about 50 feet of him.  I could converse with him and he was lucid enough to respond but the guy definitely needed help and I don't know how far he would have been able to make it on his own.  Calling the ambulance I stayed with him for a bit before I realized that I had better try to get to him as he didn't have any water and the sun was beating down on us.  So, with the emergency help on the way, though because of the height at which we were at, it would take some time for them to arrive, I began the decent so that I could come back up to him from a different route.  With the obvious urgency in mind and feeling comfortable on the path I went down at a good rate until I twisted my ankle good and proper, hearing and feeling that popping sound that you never what to hear.  My personal rescue mission quickly came to an end as I had to now concern myself with just getting down myself!  It's a fairly steep descent and so it lent itself to getting down practically sitting, little by little, until I made it to the bottom.

To make a long story short, I made it, and the young man was rescued as well, over 3 hours after I had made the initial call, as it was a difficult ascent for the rescue crew to get to where he was.  Praise the Lord he was OK; after being rushed to the hospital it was reported that he had broken his nose and had chest injuries, along with bruises and cuts.  He needed surgery but he was ok!

So, of all the times that I have hiked, probably one of the most inopportune times to twist an ankle was exactly when it happened!  One has to wonder about timing sometimes, and why God would allow these things to happen, but one also has to be thankful with how things do work out in the end, though often not in the ways that we (in our humble opinion) would have thought best.

It's been a week and a half and its slowing getting better.  It has lent itself to allow me to do other things that have been neglected - things that we've been wanting to do with regards to the school, things that can be done from the couch!  One of those is developing a website for the school, which should be ready for viewing soon - I'll keep you informed!  Another has been putting into writing and restructuring many things with regards to the school.  With 8 generations of students having passed through the school, we've learned a lot along the way and feel we're getting more established in the way things are done and how we want to move forward.  There's always changes and tweaks needed but we have felt that it was time to define some of who we are and how we do things more clearly.  One of those tasks has been to collectively write a Mission, Vision, etc. statement.  It's still in the fine tuning stage but I wanted to include it here so that you could get a clearer idea of what we are about as Centro Educativo Cristiano.

Before I post it though, I've found it interesting, with more time needed keeping this foot up, I've been able to do some reading.  I've been reading the book by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship, (an excellent read!) but along with that a biographical book on his life.  He was truly a visionary and a forward thinker in his time and perhaps one of the most impactful things about his life is that, though he preached, taught, and wrote some difficult things, he absolutely lived them out in his life as well - it wasn't just talk.  Of particular interest, he lead for some time a Bible School in Germany, as Hitler was coming into power, but it was a Bible School of a very different variety to what was common in the day (typical seminaries).  It was a school based more around discipleship, and living in community - practical, personal, not merely theoretical or theological.  As the biographer was describing Bonhoeffer's focus and passion for the school, I couldn't help but see how similar the vision for CEC is - what a neat realization to see how God is indeed timeless, that He speaks and moves today just as he did almost a hundred years ago.

Please take time to read our Mission and Vision statements - I hope that it resonates with you as it does for us. Pray for us and for the mission of this school!  Thank you so much for all the prayers!  ¡Dios les bendiga!

 If you can't see the Mission/Vision document, just click here to view it.

Monday, May 15, 2017

School's Out! Spring Update

It's almost a month since the students took flight, returning to their families, churches and communities. So much has taken place in the 14 weeks that we had with them. Read on to hear about some particular highlights from this school season. If you cannot see the update newsletter below, click here.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

And there were twelve...

7 weeks down with 7 to go (including this week)...Every year has it's unique experiences, personalities, highlights, challenges, etc. and this year has been no different. But in spite of these things (or maybe better put, THROUGH) these things we see God working and using each and every situation for His glory. Perhaps what has marked this year particularly was the fact that one of our full-time teachers suffered a stroke just over a month ago. Many of you have been praying and we couldn't be more thankful for every one of the prayers offered, to see how God has been restoring his health quickly. As it was a fairly serious stroke, the fact that he was out of the hospital just over two weeks later and back with us was in and of itself a miracle. Time and time again the doctors and therapists who have worked with him have been amazed to see how quickly he is advancing. It was just over a week ago when he himself exclaimed, "I'm back!" alluding to the constant progress made as far as his memory, mind, and recognition of what had taken place. Physically, he has a long ways to go to recover strength, motor skills, etc. but here too he has been making rapid advances. Thankfully he was able to be released back to school here where his wife as well as the students and staff have been able to be a significant part of the therapy and recovery. Perhaps what has been more inspiring through it all has been his own attitude: never doubting God, never angry, never depressed, sometimes frustrated and feeling ready to go (mentally) but realizing that there are physical limitations that will not be overcome overnight, but peacefully resting in God, knowing that He is in control. There were several times, not long after returning to school from the hospital, where we gathered in the apartment where he is staying to encourage him and pray for him, but he was the one who encouraged us much more than we anticipated encouraging him! With tears he would encourage the students to trust God, to take advantage of every opportunity knowing that God had many plans for each of them following there time here at CEC. These are those moments which speak so much louder and clearer than many hours taught in the classroom. We have twelve students - some have had to leave due to health issues in the family or personal issues that need to be worked out in their lives, but regardless of the bumps along the way we've seen God speak to each one of the students. They are grasping a greater appreciation for God's Word, resting in His Grace, learning how to live in community, loving one another. It's by far the youngest group of students we've had, the majority being in their 20's with a handful in the 30's. This comes with it's challenges but not without it's rewards! Continue to pray for the receptiveness of the student's hearts, that they would continue to respond to God's moving, for us as teachers as we seek to be sensitive to what God wants to do in their lives, and for us as a leadership team, that we would continue to work together as a unified group. Thanks and God bless! ¡Dios les bendiga!